Annaghdown Heritage Society was formed in early 1996, when a group of interested people came together to collect artefacts and information, in order to preserve the heritage and folklore of the area for posterity.
The objectives of the Society are as follows:
- To organise suitable events promoting the heritage of the local area in its broadest sense, and to provide a welcoming environment for all of those interested in local heritage;
- To maintain a website and to compile and upload information on local history and heritage for upload thereto;
- To collect and compile recorded items, artefacts and writings of local historical interest and to preserve and deposit the said articles in the Heritage Room at Corrandulla Old Girls’ School for use within the room by local people, other interested parties and visitors;
- To raise funds to pay for collating and preserving the said articles and any other related expenses;
- To visit similar groups and provide hospitality to visiting groups, and to promote social integration between all age groups.
The current officers are Irene McGoldrick (Chairperson), Paul Greaney (Secretary/Website Manager), Evelyn Stevens (Treasurer), and Gerry Morgan (Public Relations Officer). In addition to our regular events, we hold regular meetings to manage the running of the Society and to plan events; all Society members are invited to attend these meetings.
The Society was established under the chairmanship of Br Conal Thomas, assisted by Cassie Furey (Secretary), Nicholas Lyons (Treasurer), John McGagh (PRO), and many other dedicated individuals, the society has over the years organised many lectures and other events, erected monuments, carried out restoration work, and published books and booklets on many aspects of the history of Annaghdown. The position of honorary Patron is held by Br Conal Thomas, in recognition of his outstanding service to the Society and to local heritage in general over many years.
The Society has been involved in a large number of local heritage projects since its foundation. Some of these include:
- A monument to the victims of An Gorta Mór, erected in 1997 at Annaghdown Cemetery;
- The restoration of Cathair a’ Cillín, a children’s burial ground in Cregduff, including installation of a memorial stone;
- A programme of events to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Michael Davitt, including the erection of a a plaque commemorating his Monster Meeting at Corrandulla;
- Hosting the launch of the Galway County Heritage Plan in 2004;
- The collection and display of artefacts relating to life in the parish, displayed in the Society’s Heritage Room;
- A project to record stone-built wells in the area, supported by the Heritage Council;
- Recording of headstones in local cemeteries – completed for burials in Annaghdown Abbey and Corrandulla Cemetery; we are currently working on Annaghdown Cemetery (old section);
- A study of each townland in the parish – see this page for links to each townland.
Previous Officers
- Chairperson: Br Conal Thomas (1996-2017), Paul Greaney (2017-2021), Nicholas Lyons (2021-2022), Gerry Morgan (2022-2023), Irene McGoldrick (2023-present).
- Secretary: Cassie Furey (1996-2017), Irene McGoldrick (2017-2023), Paul Greaney (2024-present).
- Treasurer: Nicholas Lyons (1996-2021), Evelyn Stevens (2021-present).
- PRO: John McGagh (1996-2017), Gerry Morgan (2019-2022), Pat Morgan (2022-2023), Gerry Morgan (2023-present).
- Website Manager: Paul Greaney (2021-present).

The Society Constitution is available here.