Balrobuck More / Baile Robac Mór
Compiled by Gerry Morgan
Irish name: Baile Robac Mór
English name: Balrobuck More
Meaning: The large town(land) of Roboc. Robac is a personal name: Rob (pet form of Robert) +” -ac”, diminutive suffix common amongst the Anglo-Normans. Possibly named after Sir Robuck Lynch.
Area: 250 acres, 3 roods and 31 perches.
Field Names: None yet recorded.
Information from O’Donovan’s Field Name Books
Other names: Balrobuck. Baile Roboc – Roboc’s town, Robucks Town, Balrobuck, Balrubbuckmore (B. S. Sketch Map), Ballarubbagh, straggled village (B. S. Sketch Map), Ballrubbagh (Barony Map), Ballyrobuck after Robuck Lynch (Cahill Esq., Annaghdown), Ballyrobuck after Robuck Lynch (Cahill Esq., Annaghdown), Ballerobuck (County Book), Ballyroebuck (County Book), Ballerobuck (County Book), Ballyroebuck (County Book), Ballrubbagh (County Map), Balrubuck in the whole (High Constable 1838), Ballyrobug (Inq. Temp. Eliz.), Balrobuck (Inq. Temp. Inc. I), Balrubbughbeg (Local), Balrubbuck (Local), Ballrubbugh (Local), Balroubuckmore (Rector of Annaghdown), Balroubuckbeg (Rector of Annaghdown).
Description: H. Blake Esq., Loughrea, proprietor. All under tillage except about 9 acres subject to Winter floods.
Situation: It is situated 1/2 mile N. W. of Currandulla Chapel. Bounded N. by Balrobuckbeg. South by Currandulla. East by Turloughgorriv. West by Grange.
Information from National Inventory of Archtectural Heritage
1. Thatched Cottage: “Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, having late twentieth-century extension to rear. Pitched thatched roof with exposed scollops and decorative knotting, and low rendered chimneystack. Rendered walls with rendered plinth, eaves course and parallel quoins. Square-headed window openings with decorative render surrounds, painted sills and replacement uPVC windows. Square-headed doorway with raised render reveal and glazed panelled timber door. Set parallel to road with rendered wall to front yard having rendered piers and with decorative wrought-iron garden gate. Single-storey outbuilding to east with pitched corrugated-iron roof and painted random rubble stone walls.”
2. Thatched Cottage: “Detached four-bay single-storey vernacular house, built c.1800, with dormer attic, and having flat-roof entrance porch, and late twentieth-century monopitch extension to rear. Pitched thatched roof with decorative knotting to ridge, low rendered chimneystack and rendered stone copings. Rendered walls with rendered plinth and parallel quoins and eaves course to front. Square-headed window openings with raised render reveals and replacement timber windows and glazed timber panelled door. Set parallel to road with garden to front having rendered boundary wall and piers, and metal garden gate to pathway. Single-storey outbuilding to rear with random rubble walls.”
Down Survey (1670)
Name: Balrobucke
1651 Owners(s): Lynch, Sir Roebuck (Catholic)
1670 Owner(s): O’Neil, John (Catholic)
County: Galway; Barony: Clare; Parish: Annaghdoon
Population Statistics
Population Statistics
1841: 25 houses, 159 people (81 male, 78 female)
1851: 22 houses (incl. 2 uninhabited), 125 people (60 male, 65 female)
1861: 17 houses, 108 people (57 male, 51 female)
1871: 17 houses, 106 people (53 male, 53 female)
1881: 19 houses, 106 people (55 male, 51 female)
1891: 20 houses (incl. 1 uninhabited), 89 people (44 male, 45 female)
1901: 17 houses (incl. 1 uninhabited), 84 people (41 male, 43 female)
1911: 17 houses, 75 people (40 male, 35 female)
2011: 39 houses (incl. 6 vacant), 98 people (47 male, 51 female)
1821 Tithe Applotment Books
The Tithe Applotment Books record Blake Esq. as the proprietor of Balrubboemore. It lists Mr. John Cavenagh as a tenant with 110 acres and a levy of £6 16s 6d. It also lists Pat Deveney & John Killilea with 50 acres; and Edw King & Partners with 1 + 82 acres and also with 7 acres of cutaway bog. Their total levy was £8 1s 1d. The levy was divided between Rev. R. Marley and J Kirwan Esq. (Landlord.)
1840 Griffith’s House Books & 1855 Griffith’s Valuation
In 1855 Griffith’s Valuation, the following 15 people rented houses and land (all the land in Balrobuckmore was in this commonage) from the Trustees of Dominick Skerritt: John Gilmore, Michael Ford, William Gooly, Wm. Shaughnessy, Michael Gooly, John Gooly, Thomas Kavanagh, Patrick Burke, Michael Burke, Bridget Grealy, Honoria Burke, Bridget Craven, Edward King, John Killilea and Peter Devany. In addition, Timothy Newell rented a house from John Killilea and partners. Presumably, these are the tenants of the commonage.
The 1853 Field Books record that Mary Craven also rented a house in Balrobuckmore.
1871-1901 Deaths
Date | Townland | Name | Sex | Condition | Age | Occupation | Cause | Medical Attendant | Certified | Registered by | Link |
29/03/1872 | Balrobuckmore | Michael Forde | M | Married | 82 years | Landholder | Debility, 2 years | N | N | Martin Forde, PAD | Link |
05/08/1872 | Balrobuckmore | Thomas Grealy | M | Bachelor | 15 months | Landholder’s son | Scarlatina, 3 weeks | N | N | Mary Grealy, PAD | Link |
04/02/1873 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Cavanagh | F | Married | 22 years | Landholder’s wife | Cold after delivery, 10 days | N | N | Stephen Forde, PAD | Link |
16/02/1873 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Newal | F | Spinster | 15 hours | Blacksmith’s daughter | Debility, 15 hours | N | N | Bridget Newel, PAD | Link |
22/06/1873 | Balrobuck More | Peter Deviney | M | Married | 50 years | Landholder | Heart disease, 2 days | N | N | Mary Goaley, PAD | Link |
20/12/1873 | Balrobuckmore | Honor Burke | F | Spinster | 15 months | Landholder | Weakness, 14 days | N | N | Bridget Burke, PAD | Link |
25/07/1874 | Balrobuck More | Bridget Newel | F | Married | 26 years | Smith’s wife | Hemorrhage after labour, 15 minutes | N | N | Mary Goaley, PAD | Link |
11/12/1874 | Balrobuck More | Honor Flaherty | F | Widow | 50 years | Landholder’s widow | Heart disease, 1 month | Y | Patt Burke, PAD | Link | |
06/02/1875 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Newell | F | Spinster | 4 months | Smith’s daughter | Debility, 10 days | N | N | Michael Newell, PAD | Link |
13/04/1877 | Balrobuckmore | Thomas Kavanagh | M | Widower | 100 years | Landholder | Old age and debility, 12 months | N | N | Thomas Kavanagh, PAD | Link |
09/07/1878 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Goley | F | Widow | 80 years | Landholder’s widow | Old age | N | N | Mary Goley, PAD, Balrobuckbeg | Link |
31/07/1878 | Balrobuckmore | Margaret Kavanagh | F | Spinster | 2 months | Landholder’s daughter | Whooping cough, 5 days | N | N | Mary Kavanagh, PAD | Link |
19/02/1879 | Balrobuckmore | Patrick Forde | M | Widower | 80 years | Labourer | Old age | N | N | Margaret Ford, PAD | Link |
31/12/1879 | Balrobuckmore | Winifred Ford | F | Spinster | 22 years | Landholder’s daughter | Scrofula, 1 year | N | N | Darby Forde, having a knowledge of the circumstances of the death | Link |
14/02/1880 | Balrobuckmore | Francis Killalea | M | Married | 60 years | Farmer | Lung disease, 3 weeks | N | N | Julia Wynne, PAD | Link |
19/03/1880 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Greally | F | Widow | 76 years | Landholder | Jaundice, 8 weeks | N | N | Mary Greally, PAD | Link |
31/12/1879 | Balrobuckmore | Winifred Ford | F | Spinster | 22 years | Landholder’s daughter | Scrofula, 1 year | N | N | Patt Ford, PAD | Link |
21/07/1881 | Balrobuckmore | Patrick Burke | M | Married | 72 years | Landholder | Weakness and old age | N | N | Peter Burke, son, PAD | Link |
21/08/1883 | Balrobuckmore | Timothy Newel | M | Widower | 85 years | Blacksmith | Senile decay, 12 months | N | N | Julia Newel, daughter-in-law, PAD | Link |
12/03/1884 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Goaley | F | Married | 50 years | Landholder’s wife | Obstruction of bowels, 12 days | Y | James Goaley, son, PAD | Link | |
05/12/1886 | Balrobuckmore | John Spelman | M | Married | 68 years | Landholder | General debility, 7 days | N | N | John Creaven, PAD | Link |
02/03/1887 | Balrobuckmore | John Forde | M | Bachelor | 2 years | Landholder’s infant | Croup, 5 days | N | N | Martin Forde, father, PAD | Link |
10/05/1888 | Balrobuckmore | Winifred Winn | F | Widow | 80 years | Landholder’s widow | General debility, 6 months | N | N | Winnie Killilea, PAD | Link |
15/03/1889 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Flaherty | F | Widow | 84 years | Landholder | Senile decay, 9 weeks | N | N | John Flaherty, son, PAD | Link |
10/04/1889 | Balrobuckmore | Michael Golding | M | Married | 80 years | Landholder | Senile decay, 2 years | N | N | Kate Golding, wife, PAD | Link |
21/11/1889 | Balrobuckmore | John Flaherty | M | Married | 50 years | Landh | Consumption, 10 months | N | N | James Flaherty, brother, PAD, Mausrevagh | Link |
18/04/1890 | Balrobuckmore | Michael Cavanagh | M | Bachelor | 60 years | Landholder | General debility, 5 years | N | N | Stephen Forde, PAD | Link |
04/04/1890 | Balrobuckmore | Margaret Forde | F | Widow | 82 years | Landholder’s widow | General debility, 6 months | N | N | Stephen Forde, son, PAD | Link |
28/04/1890 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Forde | F | Widow | 82 years | Landholder’s widow | General debility, 6 months | N | N | Stephen Forde, PAD | Link |
15/06/1890 | Balrobuckmore | Anne Flaherty | F | Widow | 45 years | Landholder | Pneumonia, 3 weeks | Y | Bridget Forde, PAD | Link | |
16/09/1890 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Greally | F | Spinster | 62 years | Landholder’s daughter | General debility, 2 months | N | N | Mary Greally, aunt, PAD | Link |
14/03/1892 | Balrobuckmore | Margaret Shaughnessy | F | Married | 66 years | Landholder’s wife | Chronic bronchitis, 6 months | N | N | William Shaughnessy, husband, PAD | Link |
01/06/1893 | Balrobuckmore | James Golding | M | Bachelor | 10 days | Landholder’s infant | Whooping cough, 4 days | N | N | Mary Golding, mother, PAD | Link |
12/07/1893 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Deviny | F | Widow | 65 years | Landholder’s widow | Debility, 4 years | N | N | Catherine Diviny, daughter, PAD | Link |
20/12/1893 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Gilmore | F | Widow | 65 years | Landholder | Debility, 4 years | N | N | Philip Holleran, PAD, Glanrevaugh | Link |
03/04/1894 | Balrobuckmore | Michael Gilmore | M | Bachelor | 31 years | Landholder | Consumption, 6 months | Y | Michael Gilmore, PAD, Glanrevaugh | Link | |
12/02/1895 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Forde | F | Married | 45 years | Landholder’s wife | Puerperal peritonitis, 6 days | Y | Kate Greaney, PAD, Cahermorriss | Link | |
14/02/1895 | Balrobuckmore | Winifred Forde | F | Spinster | 10 days | Landholder’s infant | Debility from birth | N | N | Mary Goally, PAD | Link |
26/02/1895 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Shaughnessy | F | Married | 34 years | Landholder’s wife | Puerperal fever, 5 days | Y | Michael Shaughnessy, PAD | Link | |
02/09/1895 | Balrobuckmore | William Goally | M | Married | 70 years | Labourer | General debility, 7 months | N | N | Mary Goally, PAD | Link |
15/07/1896 | Balrobuckmore | Kate Goally | F | Widow | 80 years | Landholder’s widow | General debility, 5 months | N | N | Thomas Goally, PAD | Link |
24/10/1896 | Balrobuckmore | Margaret Gilmore | F | Spinster | 74 years | Housekeeper | General debility, 7 days | N | N | Margaret Gilmore, PAD | Link |
17/03/1897 | Balrobuckmore | Michael Shaughnessy | M | Widower | 71 years | Landholder | General debility, 6 months | N | N | Mary Shaughnessy, PAD | Link |
25/04/1897 | Balrobuckmore | Margaret Goaly | F | Spinster | 50 years | Housekeeper | General debility, 5 years | N | N | James Greany, PAD, Cahermorriss | Link |
28/08/1897 | Balrobuckmore | John Goaly | M | Bachelor | 3.5 years | Landholder’s child | Pneumonia, 7 days | Y | William Goally, father, PAD | Link | |
09/06/1898 | Balrobuckmore | John King | M | Widower | 70 years | Landholder | General debility, 1 year | N | N | Mary King, daughter, PAD | Link |
22/12/1898 | Balrobuckmore | Thomas Goaly | M | Bachelor | 1.5 years | Landholder’s child | Convulsions, 1 week | N | N | Thomas Goaly, father, PAD | Link |
04/01/1899 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Goaly | F | Married | 32 years | Wife of landholder | Puerperal pyemia, 1 month, 14 days | Y | John Goaly, PAD | Link | |
12/02/1899 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Spelman | F | Widow | 88 years | Widow of landholder | General debility, 2 years | N | N | John Creaven, son-in-law, PAD | Link |
13/01/1899 | Balrobuckmore | Bridget Burke | F | Married | 58 years | Wife of landholder | Acute bronchitis, 7 days | Y | John Burke, husband, PAD | Link | |
19/04/1900 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Devilly | F | Married | 65 years | Wife of farmer | Chronic Bright’s disease, 3 years, acute bronchitis, 14 days | Y | John Devilly, husband, PAD | Link | |
02/01/1901 | Balrobuckmore | Mary Burke | F | Widow | 88 years | Widow of landholder | General debility | N | N | Peter Burke, PAD | Link |
1901 Census
The 1901 Census of Ireland records the following 84 individuals living in 16 households in Balrobuck More. There was also 1 vacant house.
- Michael Newell (60), a blacksmith, lived with his [second] wife Julia (55) [neé Egan, Clydagh; married 1881 in Kilursa]; son, Timothy (24) and daughters Hanor (25) and Margaret (23). [Records suggest Michael’s first wife was Bridget Goley from son Timothy’s Birth Record, 25 July 1874]
- Thomas King (58) lived with his wife, Margaret (Peggy) (60) [neé Cavanagh, married 1860], son, Ned (28), daughters, Honor (26), Margaret (24) and granddaughter, Margaret King (2) [daughter of Thomas King and Mary Forde, Carrowbeg].
- Mary Killelea (60) [neé Wynne, widow of Francis Killilea], widow, spoke Irish only; lived with her son Martin (23), daughters, Winnie (25), Julia (20), sister, Julia Wynne (40) and grandson, Michael Wynne (7).
- Bridget King (60) [neé Killilea; widow of John King; married 1862; d. 1898] lived with her sons, Patrick (25), Edward (23), Michael (20) and daughter, Mary (19).
- John Creaven (55) lived with his wife, Mary (60) [neé Ford] who spoke Irish only; daughter, Bridget King (20) [married 1898], son-in-law, Patrick King (27) [from Balrobuckmore, son of Thomas King] and grandson, Patrick King (2).
- Mary Greally (60) [neé Melia, widow of William Greally], lived with sons, John (27), Thomas (20) and daughter, Mary (30).
- John Burke (60) [son of Patrick] lived with his wife, Kate (40) [neé Deviney, Balrobuckmore; married 1900; father, Peter Deviney].
- Not occupied.
- John Kavanagh (67) [d. 1925], lived with his wife Winifred (64) [neé Lynch, married 1865, d. 1907], sons, Michael (25) and Patrick (22).
- Margaret Diviny (50), married [husband Michael Diviny listed in 1911 census], lived with her brothers-in-law, James Diviny (36) and Peter Diviny (32).
- William Goaley (71), a widower who spoke only Irish [wife, Mary Flaherty], lived with son, John (40) [first wife was Mary Burke, Cluide; married 1891 in Annaghdown; father, Michael Burke; b. abt 1867, d. 1899 after birth of son], daughter-in-law Ellen (40), she only spoke Irish, [neé Crowe, Baranna, John’s second wife; married 1900 in Annaghdown; father, Ned Crowe], and granddaughters, Mary (8) and Bridget (5).
- James Goaley (60) [d. 1906] lived with his wife, Mary (45) [neé Devaney; d. bef 1906] and daughter, Bridget (22).
- Thomas Goaley (45) [father, Michael] lived with his wife Mary (40) [neé Fitzpatrick, Balinfad; father, Michael Fitzpatrick; married 1881 in Turloughmore District], sons, Michael (17), Martin (16), Patrick (12), John (2), daughters Mary (15), Bridget (11), Kate (9), Margaret (6) and Honor (2 months).
- Michael Shaughnessy (40) [first wife, Mary Maloney, Angliham (aka Gortacallow, near Menlo); father John Maloney; b. abt 1861; married in Castlegar 1891; d. 1895 after birth of son] lived with his [second] wife, Bridget (40) [neé Cavanagh, Winterfield; married 1896; father, John Cavanagh], sons, Willie (8), Michael (6), Patrick (5), John (6 months) and daughter, Margaret (2).
- Thomas Wm Goaley (40) [father, William Goaley] lived with his wife, Bridget (30) [neé Healy, Licannnanane; father, Martin Healy; married1893 in Lackagh], son William (1), daughters, Mary (6), Norah (5) and Delia (2).
- Martin Forde (60), a widower [wife, Bridget Canavan; b. abt 1850, d, 1895], lived with son, Michael (12), daughters, Honor (22) and Kate (19).
- Patrick Forde (45) lived with his wife, Bridget (35) [neé Tierney, Mausrevagh; father, Patrick Tierney; married 1887 in Headford District], sons, Michael (13), Patrick (11), John (7), daughters, Mary (9), Kate (4) and Winifred (2).
There were 12 second class houses and 4 third class houses listed in the 1901 census returns. All houses had roofs made of thatch, wood or other perishable material and all had walls of stone, brick or concrete. Twelve houses had 3 windows on the front, one had 2 windows and two had 1 window and one had no windows. The unoccupied house was not described.
1911 Census
There were 17 households with a total of 75 individuals in Balrobuck More recorded in the 1911 Census of Ireland.
- Bridget King (70) [house 4 in 1901; married 40 years; 8 children born, 7 living] a widow, lived with her sons, John (34), Patrick (31), Edmund (27), Michael (22) and daughter, Mary (25).
- Michael Newell (mistranscribed as Lewell) (73) [house 1 in 1911], a blacksmith, lived with his wife Julia (73), 30 years married with 3 children born, 3 living [children probably from Michael’s first marriage – see 1901 census detail].
- Thomas Goaley (60) [house 15 in 1901] lived with his wife, Bridget (40), 20 years married, 6 children born, 5 living; son, Willie (12), daughters, Norah (15) and Delia (13).
- Pat Cavanagh (32) [probably house 9 in 1901] lived with his wife Julia (33) [possibly neé Wynne from detail in son Michael’s birth record in 1914, but also possibly neé Killilea, (from a marriage record, 1909, without detail who lived in house 3 in 1901)]; 2 years married, no children; and Julia Wynne (69), a boarder [unmarried, also possibly lived in house 3 in 1901].
- Michael Diviny (62) [house 10 in 1901; he was not present in 1901] lived with wife Margaret (65), 32 years married; no children, brothers, Peter (45), James (47) and sister, Winnie (30).
- Pat Forde (64) [house 17 in 1901] lived with his wife Bridget (60), 24 years married; 6 children born, 6 living, sons, Michael (23), Patrick (21), John (17), daughters, Mary (19), Katie (14) and Winniefred (12).
- Michael Shaughnessy (50) [house 14 in 1901] lived with his wife, Bridget (45), 15 years married; 3 children born, 3 living [possibly refers to children of second marriage only], sons, Willie (19), Michael(17) and Pat (16).
- Martin Forde (76) [house 16 in 1901], a widower, lived with son, Michael (23) and daughter Honoria (35).
- John Burke (65) [house 7 in 1901] lived with his wife, Catherine (56) [12 years married; no children].
- John Cavanagh (77) [house 9 in 1901], now a widower, lived with his son, Michael (32).
- William Goaly (81) [house 11 in 1901], a widower, lived with his son, John (51), daughter-in-law, Ellen (51) [20 years married; 5 children born, 4 living], granddaughters, Mary (18) and Bridget (15).
- Patrick Finnerty (38) [Oldtown, son of Patrick Finnerty; wife lived in house 12 in 1901] lived with his wife, Bridget (35) [neé Goaley, Balrobuckmore; father James Goaley; married 1902 in Annaghdown], 10 years married; 4 children born, 4 living.
- Thomas Goaley (55) [house 13 in 1901] lived with his wife, Mary (54), 30 years married; 9 children born, 9 living; sons, Martin (27), John (11), Tommy (7), daughters, Mary (25), Katie (19), Maggie (17), Nora (9).
- Mary Grealy (72) [house 6 in 1901], married 42 years; 5 children born, 3 living; a widow, lived with son, John (38) and daughter, Mary (40).
- John Creaven (66) [house 5 in 1901] lived with his wife, Mary (74), married 30 years; 1 child born, 1 living; only spoke Irish; daughter, Bridget King (30), 13 years married, 5 children born, 5 living; son-in-law, Patt King (38), grandsons, Patrick King (12), Thos King (10), John King (9?), Michael King (?), and granddaughter, Bridget King (1).
- Margaret King (75) [house 2 in 1901], married 35 years; 8 children born, 8 living; now a widow, lived with her son, Edward (29), daughters, Honor (30) and Maggie (26).
- Thomas Devilly (46) [listed in house 1 in Balrobuck Beg in 1901, possibly a location error] lived with his wife, Mary (38) [neé Flaherty], 10 years married; no children.
There were 13 second class houses and 4 third class houses listed in the 1911 census returns. All houses had roofs made of thatch, wood or other perishable material and all had walls of stone, brick or concrete. Four houses had 4 windows on the front, nine had 3 windows and four had 2 windows. There were 15 stables, 16 cow houses, 15 piggeries, 13 barns, 3 turf houses, 1 forge and 9 cart houses.
Note: Information in squared brackets has been added by the author and does not appear in the original record.