Lisheenanoran / Lisín an Oráin

Compiled by Irene McGoldrick

Irish Name: Lisín an Óráin

Irish pronunciation:

English Name: Lisheenanoran

Area:  686 acres, 0 roods, 7 perches

Archaeological Information

The below archaeological sites appear in ‘Archaeological Inventory of County Galway Vol. II – North Galway’; compiled by Olive Alcock, Kathy de hÓra and Paul Gosling (Dublin: Stationery Office, 1999).

Unclassified earthwork. (page 248). On SW-facing slope. Marked on OS Fair Plan as a hachured circle and labelled ‘Fort’ but not marked on OS maps. No visible surface trace survives; the area has been recently forested.

Population Statistics

1841: 41 houses

1851: 39 houses

1861:43 houses

1871: 42 houses

1881: 36 houses

1891: 35 houses, one uninhabited

1901: 31 Houses

1911: 26 Houses

Tithe Applotments (1824)

The Tithe Applotment Books show Fahy, Boyle and partners as tenants of Rochfort on 326 acres

1840 House Books and 1855 Griffiths Valuation

On 6 August 1845 the  House Books show Martin Boyle occupying a dwelling, stables and barn; Richard Fahy occupying dwelling, stables, barn and cow house.

On 25 October 1853 the House Books show the following as occupants in Lisheenanoran townland:
Patrick Forde, Myles Cahill, John Boyle, John Ford (Jnr), Michael Ford, Marten Boyle, John Ford (Snr). Patrick Loftus, John Loftus, Thomas Cahill, Bridget Staunton, Thomas Feeny, Edmond Staunton, Bridget Burke (Malachy), Bridget Burke (John), Mary Ford, Mary Macnamarra, Francis Macnamarra, Thomas Fahey (James), James Fahey, John Fahey (1/2) & Thomas Fahey (1/2), Richard Fahey (Jnr), Patrick Fahey , Thomas Cahill (James), John Cahill, Patrick Monaghan, William Ford, Bridget Ford, Patrick Flaherty, Patt Giblin and James Burke (31 houses)

In 1855 Griffith’s Valuation list the following as house occupiers in Lisheenanoran:
Patrick Ford, Myles Cahill, John Boyle, John Ford (Jnr), Michael Ford, Martin Boyle, John Ford (Snr), Patrick Loftus, John Loftus, Thomas Cahill, Bridget Staunton, Thomas Feeny, Edmond Staunton, Michael Staunton, Brgt. Burke (Malachy), Brgt Burke (John), Mary Ford, Mary Macnamarra, Francis Macnamarra, Thomas Fahy (James), James Fahy, John Fahy, Thomas Fahy, Richard Fahy (Jnr), Patrick Fahy, Thos Cahill (James), John Cahill, Patrick Monaghan, William Ford, Bridget Ford, Patrick Flaherty (31 houses, also land held by James Feenaghty but no house)

Lisheenanoran entries in Griffith’s Valuation

1856 Encumbered Estates Sales

In 1856, lands held by Horace Rochfort were auctioned in the Encumbered Estates Court and were bought by the Blake family of Cregg.

The rental maps and particulars give the following information about tenants in Lisheenanoran at the time: Miles Cahill, Thomas Fahy (Jas.), Thomas Feeney, Bridget Staunton, Francis McNamara, Mary McNamara (widow of Patrick), Mary McNamara (widow of Thomas), Richard Fahy junior, Patrick Fahy, Martin Boyle, Richard Fahy senior, James Fahy, John Loftus, Patt Loftus, William Ford, John Cahill, Bridget Burke (widow), Thomas Cahill, Edmond Staunton, John Fahy, John Boyle, John Ford, James Feenarty, Pat. Ford (Daniel), Patrick Monaghan, Bridget Ford (widow of Michael), Bridget Burke Loughlin, Thomas Cahill, Michael Ford (Daniel), John Ford (Andrew).

The particulars note that several tenants on this townland hold in Rundell [Rundale], and the quantities held by each are not ascertained. 30 occupants have been listed.

1871-1901 Deaths

DateTownlandNameSexConditionAgeOccupationCauseMedical AttendantCertifiedRegistered byLink
27/11/1871LissinoranBridget DillonFWidow75 yearsBeggarDebility and exhaustionNNKate Forde, PADLink
25/12/1872LissinoranThomas CahillMWidower100 yearsPeasantExhaustion from senile decayNNJohn Cahill, occupierLink
23/02/1873LissinoranThomas FeenyMWidower66 yearsLabourerParalysis from a Hurt, a long timeNNMary Feeny, PADLink
28/02/1873LisheenoranRoger FlahertyMMarried36 yearsLabourerConsumption, seven monthsNNPatrick Flaherty, occupierLink
06/03/1873LissinoranRichard FahyMWidower90 yearsPeasantOld age & imbecility, some timeNNRichard Fahy, PADLink
10/03/1873LissinoranBridget HughesFWidow100 yearsPeasantBronchitis and debility, a long timeNNRichard Fahy, PADLink
10/12/1874LissinoranEdmund StauntonMMarried67 yearsLabourerDied suddenly, fell down deadNNPatrick Fahy, PADLink
11/10/1874LisheenoranMary BurkeFSpinster3 yearsLabourer’s childWhooping cough, some weekYJohn Burke, occupierLink
02/01/1875LissinoranBridget FeenyFSpinster3 yearsChild of a labourerWhooping cough, 6 weeksNNMary Feeny, PADLink
04/01/1875LissinoranHonor BurkeFWidow83 yearsPauperBronchitis & debility, a long timeNNBridget Grady, occupierLink
03/03/1875LissinoranHonor HernonFWidow70 yearsPeasantExhaustion & debility, some timeNNBartly Elwood, PAD, MuckrushLink
18/04/1875LissinoranHonor BurkeFWidow57 yearsLabourerCerebral apoplexy, 4 daysNNJames Glynn, PADLink
16/04/1875LissinoranRichard FahyMBachelor16 yearsLabourerDiptheria, 10 daysYMichael Fahy, occupierLink
29/11/1875LisheenoranMary McNamaraFWidow70 yearsPauperSuddenly, 1/4 hourNNPatrick Fahy, PADLink
01/12/1875LisheenoranMary McNamaraFWidow70 yearsPauperPain in stomach with vomitingNNThos Forde, PADLink
27/05/1876LisheenoranMargaret FordeFWidow86 yearsPeasantOld age & debility, a long timeNNLaurence Forde, occupierLink
27/06/1876LisheenoranCelia HigginsFWidow80 yearsBeggarOld age and exhaustion, 4 weeksNNKate Hannon, PADLink
19/12/1876LisheenoranMary GibbonsFWidow96 yearsLabourerExhaustion from old ageNNPatrick Gibbons, occupierLink
18/03/1877LisheenoranMichael StauntonMMarried70 yearsPeasantDisease of the stomach, 5 monthsNNMichael Staunton, occupierLink
04/05/1877LisheenoranMichael FordeMMarried78 yearsPeasantDied, don’t know his diseaseNNKate Forde, PADLink
02/05/1877LisheenoranMary FordeFWidow87 yearsPeasantBronchitis, a few daysNNKate Forde, PADLink
26/04/1877LisheenoranBridget StauntonFWidow80 yearsPeasantBronchitis, eight daysNNBridget Staunton, PADLink
03/04/1877LisheenoranEllen StantionFSpinster2 1/2 yearsLabourer’s childSmothering & heart beat, 2 daysNNBridget Staunton, PADLink
22/05/1878LisheenoranBridget StauntonFSpinster6 weeksPeasant’s childSuffocative catarrah, 2 daysNNBridget Staunton, PADLink
25/11/1878LisheenoranJohn FahyMMarried65 yearsLabourerBronchitis, 5 daysNNPatrick Fahy, PADLink
29/11/1878LisheenoranMalachy BurkeMBachelor17 yearsPeasant’s sonDecline, a long timeNNJames Burke, occupierLink
14/04/1879LisheenoranMartin BoyleMMarried69 yearsPeasantCough and pain in the side, five daysNNJulia Boyle, PADLink
15/05/1879LisheenoranPatrick CavanaghMMarried36 yearsLabourerSuffocative catarrh, 18 daysYThomas Lenihan, PAD, ClonboLink
29/04/1879LisheenoranJohn FordeMMarried75 yearsPeasantParalysis, 12 monthsNNThomas Forde, PADLink
15/07/1879LisheenoranWilliam FahyMBachelor12 yearsPeasantFever, 14 daysYPatrick Fahy, occupierLink
10/12/1879LisheenoranJohn BurkeMMarried52 yearsLabourerHepatitis & dropsy, 9 monthsNNDenis Collins, PADLink
24/12/1881LisheenoranThomas FahyMWidower90 yearsPeasantOld age and debility, long timeNNRichard Fahy, occupierLink
02/04/1883LisheenoranMary CahillFWidow70 yearsPeasantDebility and old age, 12 monthsNNJames Cahill, son and occupierLink
02/05/1883LisheenoranEdmund CahillMMarried67 yearsFarmerAsthma, 6 yearsNNJames Cahill, son, PADLink
28/08/1883LisheenoranMargaret HannenFWidow85 yearsPeasantChronic bronchitis, 2 monthsNNJohn Staunton, occupierLink
02/11/1883LisheenoranJohn FeenyMBachelor2 years, 7 monthsChild of a labourerCroup, 3 daysNNWilliam Feeney, father and occupierLink
03/02/1884LisheenoranJulia BoyleFSpinster1 year, 10 monthsPeasant’s childMeasles, 10 daysNNMartin Boyle, father and occupierLink
15/07/1884LissinoranLaurence FordeMMarried48 yearsPeasantChronic nephritis, 2 yearsYCelia Forde, wife, PADLink
27/10/1884LissinoranMargaret MonaghanFSpinster15 monthsPeasant’s childCroup, 7 daysNNThomas Monaghan, father and occupierLink
13/11/1884LissinoranBridget StauntonFSpinster3.5 yearsPeasant’s childCroup, 1 weekNNEllen Staunton, mother, PADLink
10/02/1886LissinoranPatrick FahyMBachelor2 hoursPeasant’s childWeakness after birth, 24 hoursYMary Fahy, cousin, PADLink
02/03/1886LisheenoranBridget FahyFMarried24 yearsPeasantPuerperal metritis, 3 weeksYRichard Fahy, husband, PADLink
06/06/1887LisheenoranMargaret GibbonsFMarried60 yearsWeaver’s wifeBronchitis, one weekNNMichael Gibbons, son, PADLink
25/11/1887LisheenoranPenelope DugganFSpinster30 yearsServantEmphysema pulmonum, 18 months, anasarca, 3 monthsYStephen Duggan, father of deceased and occupierLink
10/01/1887LisheenoranPatrick FahyMBachelor23 yearsLabourerPhthisis, 6 monthsYRichard Fahy, brother, PADLink
04/04/1888LisheenoranPatrick FlahertyMWidower79 yearsPeasantPleuritis, one weekNNThomas Forde, PADLink
17/04/1888LisheenoranMary BoyleFSpinster14 yearsPeasant’s daughterBrain Fever, 14 daysYJulia Boyle, mother, PADLink
07/02/1889LisheenoranJohn FordeMMarried85 yearsPeasantBronchtiis, one year, smothering, 2 weeksNNKate Forde, daughter-in-law, PADLink
25/04/1889LisheenoranThomas FahyMMarried77 yearsSmall farmerHemiplegia, 9 weeksNNHonor Fahy, widow of deceased, PADLink
12/07/1889LisheenoranJulia StantonFSpinster17 yearsLabourerGeneral rheumatism, 9 months, rheumatic carditis, 9 monthsYBridget Molloy, PAD, ClonbooLink
16/07/1889LisheenoranHonor BoyleFWidow77 yearsPoor widowOld age and debility, bedridden, many yearsNNHonor Small, PAD, ParkLink
20/10/1889LisheenoranPatrick FahyMMarried73 yearsPeasantSuddenly from weakened heartNNBrian Fahy, son, PADLink
17/03/1890LisheenoranHonor FlahertyFWidow70 yearsPeasantWeakness and debility, 4 daysNNThomas Flaherty, son, PADLink
23/03/1890LisheenoranMargaret StauntonFWidow68 yearsPeasantTyphus fever, 10 daysYEllen Staunton, daughter-in-law, PADLink
30/03/1890LisheenoranBridget StauntonFSpinster32 yearsPeasantTyphus fever, 11 daysYEllen Staunton, sister-in-law, PADLink
06/04/1890LisheenoranPatrick StauntonMMarried45 yearsPeasantTyphus fever, 10 daysYEllen Staunton, widow of deceased, PADLink
12/01/1891LisheenoranCatherine DevanyFWidow82 yearsPeasantSuffocative bronchitis, 2 weeksNNMartin Boyle, PAD, LisheenoranLink
08/02/1891LisheenoranJohn BoyleMMarried77 yearsPeasantDyspnoes, 5 years, acute dyspnoes, 5 daysNNMichael Boyle, son, PADLink
20/07/1891LisheenoranJulia StauntonFWidow86 yearsPeasantWeakness and exhaustion, one weekNNMichael Staunton, son and occupierLink
30/08/1891LisheenoranEllen FordeFSpinster17 yearsPeasantConsumption, 12 monthsNNMichael Forde, brother, PADLink
29/02/1892LishenoranJulia BoyleFSpinster8 yearsPeasant’s childRheumatic carditis, 3 weeksNNMartin Boyle, father, PADLink
19/04/1892LisheenoranPatrick FahyMMarried70 yearsPeasantInfluenza, 3 weeksNNBridget Forde, PADLink
13/06/1893LisheenoranJulia SmallFSpinster25 yearsServantHaemoptysis, suddenly, consumption, 1 yearNNMartin Boyle, uncle and occupier, LisheenoranLink
25/06/1893LisheenoranMary FarraherFSpinster8 yearsPeasant’s childVomiting and pain in the stomach, 1 weekNNJames Farraher, father, PADLink
07/09/1893LissinoranMartin FahyMBachelor36 yearsPeasantRenal congestion and anasarca, 3 months and 7 daysYPatrick Fahy, brother, PADLink
21/09/1893LissinoranBridget FordeFWidow84 yearsPoor widowSevere cold, 2 weeksNNPatrick Forde, son, PADLink
17/01/1894LisheenoranJohn FordMBachelor17 yearsLabourerPain in the stomach, 2 daysNNBridget Ford, sister, PADLink
26/05/1894LishanoranMary BoyleFWidow65 yearsWidow of labourerBronchitis, 3 yearsNNMichael Boyle, son, PADLink
07/09/1894LishenoranStephen DugganMMarried75 yearsLabourerDebility and old age, 11 weeksNNEllen Duggan, wife, PADLink
28/07/1895LishenoranJohn ScullyMMarried90 yearsLandholderSyncope, 1 hourNNJohn Scully, grandson, PADLink
05/11/1895LishenoranBridget StauntonFMarried62 yearsWife of landholderChronic stomach ?, 18 monthsNNMartin Staunton, son, PADLink
05/01/1898LisheenoranHonor RooneyFWidow30 yearsWidow of landholderOld age and general debilityNNMichael Rooney, PADLink
10/02/1898LishenoranJulia CahillFWidow76 yearsWidow of landholderChronic bronchitis, 2 yearsNNJames Cahill, son, PADLink
30/11/1898LishenoranKate FordeFWidow80 yearsWidow of landholderPain in back, 10 weeksNNJoseph Kean, grandsonLink
01/02/1901LishenoranMary FahyFWidow72 yearsWidow of farmerBronchitis, 1 weekNNPatrick Fahy, son, PADLink
Deaths in Lisheenanoran, 1871-1901

1901 Census

The 1901 census shows 31 houses in Lisheenanoran.

  1. Michael Staunton lived with wife Ellen, son Patrick and daughters Anne, Mary and Julia
  2. Ellen Staunton lived with sons Edmond, John, Martin and daughter Margaret
  3. William Feeney lived with wide Mary and son Thomas
  4. John Staunton lived with son Martin and daughter Ellen
  5. Murty Forde lived with wife Mary, sons Thomas, John, Michael, James, Patrick, daughters Julia and Bridget, and his brother Michael
  6. William Fahey lived with wife Mary, son John and daughter Bridget
  7. John Cahill lived with wife Honor, son James and sister Winifred
  8. Martin Boyle lived with wife Julia, son Martin, daughters Honor, Sarah, Catherine and Mary
  9. Daniel Boyle lived with wife Bridget
  10. Patrick Forde lived with his wife Kate, sons Patrick, Michael, John and James, daughters Bridget and Mary
  11. Thomas Boyle lived with wife Honor, sons John and Michael. Mary Leonard is also listed in this house as a general servant
  12. Bartley Keane lived with wife Mary, sons Michael, Joseph, John and Robert, and daughters Anne and Bridget
  13. Patrick Herwood lived with wife Bridget, son Thomas and daughter in law Julia
  14. Patrick Murphy lived with wife Ellen
  15. Mary Duggan, a cottier, lived on her own
  16. Celia Forde lived with son John and daughters Bridget and Celia
  17. Honor Fahey lived with daughter Kate and sons Richard and Patrick
  18. Richard Fahey lived with wife Mary, sons James and Martin, daughters Bridget and Kate
  19. Richard Fahey lived with wife Bridget and daughters Celia, Mary, Honor and Bridget
  20. James Cahill lived with wife Bridget and niece Celia Forde
  21. Ellen Whelan, a cottier, lived on her own (Landholder recorded as James Cahill)
  22. Thomas Monaghan lived with wife Catherine and son Thomas
  23. Patrick Fahey lived with wife Kate, sons John, Martin James, daughters Mary, Bridget and Kate
  24. Thomas Fahy lived with wife Mary
  25. Andrew Forde lived with wife Bridget, sons John and James
  26. Kate Burke lived with her sister Celia Burke
  27. Mary Fahey lived with daughter Ellen and sons Richard, Bryan and John
  28. James Burke lived with wife Kate and son John
  29. Margaret Burke lived with son John
  30. Tomas Flaherty lived with wife Mary, sons Patrick, John, daughters Mary, Delia and Honor
  31. Honor Farraher lived on her own
  32. A Roman Catholic Chapel is also listed

20 of the houses were second class dwellings with 3 front windows in front and between two and three rooms. 10 houses were third class dwellings with two front windows (one house only having one) and two room. One house was classed as a fourth class dwelling – this house had no front windows and the column for rooms is left blank.

Only one page of two is available describing out offices and farm steadings returns for Lisheenanoran. This shows 11 stables, 13 cow houses, 7 calf houses, 12 piggeries, 4 fowl houses, 11 barns and 12 Cart houses.

1911 Census

The 1911 Census shows 26 houses

  1. Micheal Staunton lived with his wife Ellen, son Patrick and daughter Anne
  2. Ellen Staunton lived with her sons John, Martin and daughter Margert
  3. Thomas Flaherty lived with his wife Mary, sons Pat, John, Thomas, daughters Delia, Honor, Ellen and Katie
  4. Kate Burke lived on her own
  5. Richard Fahey lived with wife Ellen and brothers John and Bryan
  6. Celia Garvey lived with her sister Kate Burke
  7. Andrew Forde lived with wife Bridget, son John, daughter in law Julia, grand daughter Mary and grand son Andrew
  8. Patrick Fahey lived with wife Kate, sons John, James and daughter Kate
  9. Catherine Monaghan lived with her son Thomas
  10. Celia Forde lived with her son John
  11. Richard Fahy lived with his wife Bridget and daughters Mary, Honor, Bridget, Julia and Kate
  12. Richard Fahey lived with his brother Patrick and sister Kate
  13. Richard Fahy lived with his wife Mary and sons Patrick and Martin
  14. James Cahill lived with his wife Bridget, sons Thomas, Michael, Martin, John, daughters Mary and Julia
  15. Ellen Whelan lived with boarder Mary Flesk (Landholder recorded as Michael Staunton)
  16. Julia Boyle lived with son Martin and daughter Mamie
  17. Daniel Forde lived with wife Mary, sons Thomas, Micheal, daughters Mary and Kate
  18. Patrick Forde lived with wife Kate, sons Micheal, John, James, Martin, Andey, Thomas, Charle and daughter Maggie
  19. Thomas lived with wife Honoria, sons John, Michael, Martin, Patrick, daughters Mary and Ellen
  20. Mary Keane (shopkeeper) lived with her sons Micheal, Robert and daughter Bridget        
  21. Thomas Herwood lived with his wife Julia, daughter Mary and son Patrick
  22. Murty Forde lived with his brother Michael, wife Bridget, son Thomas, John, Patrick and daughter Bridget
  23. William Fahy lived with wife Mary and son John
  24. James Cahill lived with wife Mary, son John and daughter Celia
  25. Martin Staunton lived with wife Margaret, sons John, Martin and daughter Delia
  26. William Feeney lived with wife Mary and son Thomas

23 of the houses were second class dwellings with most having three front windows (one having four) and two rooms. Three of the houses were deemed third class, one having two windows in the front, the others having one. Two of the third class houses had two rooms, one had one room.

There were 23 stables, 23 cow houses, 18 piggeries, 23 barns and 18 sheds in Lisheenanoran in 1911.

Lisheenanoran / Lisín an Oráin

2 thoughts on “Lisheenanoran / Lisín an Oráin

  • March 31, 2020 at 10:51 pm

    Found this of great interest as a Staunton.

  • November 18, 2021 at 2:24 pm

    James Cahill lived with his wife Bridget, sons Thomas, Michael, Martin, John, daughters Mary and Julia – the Martin is my father who came to New Zealand in the 1930s and died here in 1991. In NZ he met and married Mary Grealish from Lisheenavalla, Claregalway.
    Bridget was née Greaney. Thomas’s son runs the farm now. Dad talked about losing 2 brothers in the 1918 Influenza Pandemic – that must have been Michael and John.


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