Below are deaths registered in the Annaghdown townlands of Turloughmore Registration District between 1886 and 1890. Abbreviations: PAD = present at death. Also available are records for 1871-1875, 1876-1880, and 1881-1885.
Date | Townland | Name | Sex | Condition | Age | Occupation | Cause | Medical Attendant | Certified | Registered by | Link |
01/01/1886 | Oldbury | Honor Dooley | F | Widow | 88 years | Peasant | Dysentry, 5 weeks | N | N | James Dooley, son and occupier | Link |
23/01/1886 | Cregduf | Patrick Collins | M | Married | 68 years | Farmer | Pains in the back, 5 weeks | N | N | Bridget Collins, widow, PAD | Link |
23/01/1886 | Carabeg North | Margaret Morriss | F | Spinster | 2 years and 4 months | None | Croup, 2 days | Y | Delia Morriss, mother, PAD | Link | |
23/01/1886 | Cregg | Patrick Long | M | Married | 70 years | Labourer | Bronchitis, few days | N | N | Honor Long, widow, PAD | Link |
29/01/1886 | Castlecrevin | Edward Scahill | M | Married | 44 years | Peasant | Contusion of cervical vertebra, 2 days | Y | Mark Lynch, PAD | Link | |
02/02/1886 | Castlecrevin | Mary Scahill | F | Married | 35 years | Phthisis, 18 months | Y | Owen Scahill, husband and occupier | Link | ||
10/02/1886 | Lissinoran | Patrick Fahy | M | Bachelor | 2 hours | Peasant’s child | Weakness after birth, 24 hours | Y | Mary Fahy, cousin, PAD | Link | |
15/02/1886 | Woodpark | Margaret Newell | F | Spinster | 3 weeks | None | Weakness, 2 days | N | N | Thomas Newell, uncle, PAD | Link |
08/02/1886 | Barana | Paul Newell | M | Married | 80 years | Peasant | Insanity, 17 years | N | N | Mary Newell, daughter, PAD | Link |
25/02/1886 | Castlecreevin | Cisely McDermot | F | Spinster | 60 years | Servant | Emphysema pulmonum, long time, anasarca, one month | Y | Mary McDermot, sister-in-law and occupier | Link | |
10/02/1886 | Carragh | Michael Burke | M | Bachelor | 9 years | Saddler’s child | Suppuration in the brain, 2 weeks | Y | Patrick Burke, father and occupier | Link | |
28/02/1886 | Cregg | Julia Malley | F | Widow | 87 years | Peasant’s widow | Cough and weakness, one week | N | N | Thomas Malley, son and occupier | Link |
01/03/1886 | Castlequarter | Catherine Larkin | F | Married | 40 years | Beggar | Bad chest and delicate, 2 months, suddenly sick, one day | N | N | John Larkin, husband, PAD | Link |
02/03/1886 | Lisheenoran | Bridget Fahy | F | Married | 24 years | Peasant | Puerperal metritis, 3 weeks | Y | Richard Fahy, husband, PAD | Link | |
06/03/1886 | Barana | John Connor | M | Married | 68 years | Peasant | Vomiting and purgeing, a few days | N | N | Winifred Connor, widow, PAD | Link |
05/03/1886 | Tonegurrane | Patrick Feeny | M | Bachelor | 15 years | Labourer | Vomiting, two days | N | N | William Feeny, father, PAD, Lishennoran | Link |
09/03/1886 | Carrabeg | Honor Glynn | F | Married | 30 years | Herd’s wife | Severe Epistanes after childbirth, 3 days | Y | Michael Glynn, husband and occupier | Link | |
09/03/1886 | Barana | Margaret Burke | F | Widow | 78 years | Housekeeper | Old age and debility with cough and cold, a few days | Y | James Crowe, son, PAD | Link | |
04/03/1886 | Rinaharna | Margaret Burke | F | Spinster | 78 years | Pauper | Weakness and debility, 4 weeks | N | N | Margaret Shaughnessy, PAD | Link |
22/03/1886 | Barana | Catherine Crowe | F | Married | 70 years | Peasant | Hepatitis, a long time | N | N | John Scully, PAD | Link |
26/04/1886 | Shankil | Bridget Farraher | F | Married | 28 years | Peasant | Puerperal metritis, one week | Y | James Tarpy, PAD | Link | |
17/04/1886 | Clonboo | Honor Allen | F | Married | 28 years | Peasant | Inflammation after childbirth, one week | N | N | Frank Allen, husband and occupier | Link |
20/05/1886 | Drumgriffin | John O’Brien | M | Widower | 78 years | Labourer | Chronic constipation and gravel, 8 months | N | N | Martin Finerty, PAD | Link |
14/06/1886 | Currandola | Honor Cunningham | F | Spinster | 16 years | Shop dealer’s daughter | Phthisis, 1 year | Y | William Cunningham, father, PAD | Link | |
11/06/1886 | Racoona | Michael Quirke | M | Bachelor | 7 weeks | Herd’s child | Tormina, 3 days | N | N | Mary Quirke, mother, PAD | Link |
07/07/1886 | Tonymace | Bridget Cahill | F | Widow | 95 years | Peasant | Weakness and debility, 2 years | N | N | Thomas Cahill, son, occupier | Link |
08/07/1886 | Grange | Kate Dooley | F | Widow | 78 years | Tailor’s widow | Cold and cough, one week | N | N | Mary Dooley, daughter, PAD | Link |
08/07/1886 | Annadown Glebe | James Stuart Cosbie Hamilton | M | Bachelor | 18 years | Gentleman | Suppuration in the brain, 3 weeks | Y | William Connor, servant, PAd | Link | |
26/08/1886 | Cloonlinane | Michael Moylan | M | Bachelor | 18 days | Peasant’s child | Convulsions after birth, 9 days | N | N | Mary Moylan, aunt, PAD | Link |
26/08/1886 | Gortroe | Bridget Fahy | F | Widow | 72 years | Peasant | Gravel, one month | N | N | William Cunningham, occupier | Link |
17/08/1886 | Park Annadown | Patrick McDonagh | M | Widower | 80 years | Labourer | Pain in the stomach, one week | N | N | John Collins, PAD | Link |
10/09/1886 | Belford | James King | M | Widower | 67 years | Peasant | Rheumatism with great debility, 3 months | N | n | Celia King, daughter, PAD | Link |
18/09/1886 | Currandula | Honor Lynch | F | Married | 47 years | Peasant | Hydrothorax and ascites, 14 days | Y | Mark Lynch, widower of deceased and occupier | Link | |
07/10/1886 | Gardenham | Patrick Brown | M | Bachelor | 6 months | Farmer’s child | Convulsions, 3 days | N | N | William Brown, father and occupier | Link |
20/10/1886 | Grange | Ellen Burke | F | Spinster | 15 years | Peasant | Fever, 3 weeks | Y | Michael Burke, brother, PAD | Link | |
23/10/1886 | Tonegurrane | Mary Qualter | F | Spinster | 3 years | Peasant’s child | Croup, 2 days | N | N | Kate Qualter, mother, PAD | Link |
11/11/1886 | Castlecreevin | Martin Scahill | M | Widower | 85 years | Peasant | Pain in the chest, 4 days | N | N | Thomas Scahill, son, PAD | Link |
01/11/1886 | Shankil | Laurence Elwood | M | Widower | 80 years | Peasant | Old age and debility, 2 years | N | N | Bartly Elwood, son and occupier | Link |
27/11/1886 | Knockbluff | Ellen Cosgrave | F | Married | 37 years | Peasant | Chronic gastralgia, 4 years | Y | John Cosgrave, son, PAD, Cregg | Link | |
29/11/1886 | Annagh | Edmund Burke | M | Bachelor | 60 years | Labourer | Hepatitis and ascites, 3 months | Y | Mary Burke, niece, PAD | Link | |
12/12/1886 | Gardenham | Grace Forde | F | Spinster | 80 years | None | Weakness and debility, 2 weeks | N | N | James Joyce, occupier | Link |
14/12/1886 | Tonegurrane | Bridget Lardner | F | Spinster | 3 years | Peasant’s child | Whooping cough, 4 weeks | N | N | Margaret Lardner, mother, PAD | Link |
01/01/1887 | Grange | Patrick Davin | M | Bachelor | 5 years | Peasant’s child | Whooping cough, 4 weeks | Y | Owen Davin, father, PAD | Link | |
24/01/1887 | Clonboo | Peter Collins | M | Bachelor | 75 years | Pauper | Pain and swelling on the stomach, 2 weeks | N | N | John Downey, PAD | Link |
14/02/1887 | Gortroe | Mary Connor | F | Spinster | 70 years | Beggar | Weakness and exhaustion, one week | Y | Honor Murphy, PAD | Link | |
15/02/1887 | Cregduff | James Brown | M | Married | 68 years | Farmer | Weakness and debility, 7 weeks | N | N | William Brown, son, PAD | Link |
06/04/1887 | Park | Patrick Kavanagh | M | Married | 47 years | Labourer | Unguinial hernia, a long time, ascites, 4 months | Y | Mary Kavanagh, widow of deceased, PAD | Link | |
04/04/1887 | Clonboo | William Scully | M | Bachelor | 30 years | Labourer | Severe cold, 3 months | N | N | Patrick Scully, PAD, Currandull | Link |
20/04/1887 | Bawnmore | Edward Brennan | M | Bachelor | 10 years | None | Cerebral meningitis, 1 days | Y | James Tarpy, PAD, Cloughane | Link | |
20/04/1887 | Caherlea | Margaret Dooley | F | Married | 84 years | Cartmaker’s wife | Exhaustion and weakness from old age | N | N | Mary Dooley, daughter, PAD | Link |
01/05/1887 | Tonegurrane | John Carr | M | Married | 67 years | Labourer | Ulcer of stomach, 2 years | Y | Thomas Diveny, PAD | Link | |
06/06/1887 | Lisheenoran | Margaret Gibbons | F | Married | 60 years | Weaver’s wife | Bronchitis, one week | N | N | Michael Gibbons, son, PAD | Link |
10/6/1887 | Clonboo | Thomas Burke | M | Widower | 81 years | Peasant | Weakness and debility, five weeks | N | N | Mary Burke, granddaughter, PAD | Link |
07/05/1887 | Belford | Delia Kelly | F | Spinster | 11 weeks | Peasant’s child | Convulsive formina, 2 days | N | N | Kate Kelly, mother, PAD | Link |
30/06/1887 | Annagh | Bridget Forde | F | Married | 26 years | Peasant | Congestion of the kidnes and uremic convulsions, 2 days | Y | Martin Forde, father-in-law and occupier | Link | |
03/08/1887 | Castlecreevin | Michael Scahill | M | Bachelor | 8 years | Peasant’s child | Debility and decline, 5 years | N | N | Owen Scahill, father and occupier | Link |
3/8/1887 | Tonymace | James Cahill | M | Married | 64 years | Farmer | Bad chest and pain in the heart, four years | N | N | Thomas Cahill, son, PAD | Link |
11/08/1887 | Tonegurane | John Mulroony | M | Bachelor | 17 years | Labourer | Phthisis pulmonum, 9 months | Y | Kate Mulrooney, sister, PAD | Link | |
09/08/1887 | Drumgriffin | Margaret Gordon | F | Widow | 62 years | Peasant | Chronic stomach disease and colic, two months | N | N | Ellen Gordon, daughter, PAD | Link |
13/09/1887 | Annagh West | Thomas Currie | M | Widower | 72 years | Peasant | Spasmodic stricture of the urethra, one week | Y | Bridget Greaney, PAD, Shanbally | Link | |
05/09/1887 | Clonboo | Winifred Connolly | F | Married | 27 years | Labourer | Endocarditis, 2 years | Y | Honor Carr, sister, PAD | Link | |
03/09/1887 | Gardenham | Peter Burke | M | Widower | 68 years | Labourer | Weakness and exhaustion, 16 months | N | N | Peter Burke, grandson, PAD | Link |
16/09/1887 | Park | Margaret Browne | F | Widow | 87 years | Pauper | Weakness and cough, bedridden, 3 months | N | N | Margaret Browne, granddaughter, PAD | Link |
29/09/1887 | Carrabeg | Margaret Lynch | F | Married | 66 years | Farmer’s wife | Cancer of breast, 3 years | N | N | Michael Lynch, husband of deceased and occupier | Link |
23/09/1887 | Clonboo | Mary Warde | F | Widow | 75 years | Poor woman | Bronchitis, 12 months | N | N | Mary Warde, daughter, PAD | Link |
24/09/1887 | Barana | John Walsh | M | Widower | 85 years | Labourer | Smothering on the chest, 3 months | N | N | Bridget Walsh, granddaughter, PAD | Link |
13/10/1887 | Annagh | William Costello | M | Married | 30 years | Landholder | Consumption, six months | N | N | Mary Costello, widow of deceased, PAD | Link |
11/10/1887 | Sleavfin | Kate Larner | F | Widow | 85 years | Poor old cook | Weakness and cough, a long time | N | N | Michael Killilea, occupier | Link |
02/11/1887 | Cloonlinane | Bridget Fahy | F | Married | 65 years | Peasant | Cough and asthma, six months | N | N | James Fahy, widower of deceased and occupier | Link |
30/10/1887 | Winterfield | Joseph Stapleton Butler | M | Married | 63 years | Physician and surgeon | Mitral valve disease of the heart, six years | Y | Annesley Butler, son, PAD | Link | |
14/11/1887 | Carraghy | Thomas Hession | M | Bachelor | 11 weeks | Labourer’s child | Vomiting and diarrhoea, one week | N | N | Kate Fahy, PAD | Link |
03/12/1887 | Drumgriffin | James Burke | M | Widower | 98 years | Carpenter | Debility from old age, 12 months | N | N | Peter Forde, son-in-law, PAD | Link |
07/12/1887 | Barana | Mary Hynes | F | Widow | 78 years | Housekeeper | Smothering and debility, six months | N | N | Denis Crowe, occupier | Link |
28/10/1887 | Aughcluggeen | Bridget Kelehan | F | Spinster | 62 years | Poor woman | Disease of the heart, long time | N | N | Margaret Kelly, PAD | Link |
25/11/1887 | Lisheenoran | Penelope Duggan | F | Spinster | 30 years | Servant | Emphysema pulmonum, 18 months, anasarca, 3 months | Y | Stephen Duggan, father of deceased and occupier | Link | |
04/12/1887 | Belford | Michael King | M | Bachelor | 4 months | Child of a labourer | Smothering of the chest, 4 days | N | N | Bridget King, mother, PAD | Link |
07/10/1887 | Annagh | Michael Lally | M | Bachelor | 21 years | Labourer | Consumption, 18 months | N | N | Mary Lally, mother, PAD | Link |
25/10/1887 | Annagh | Julia Lally | F | Spinster | 20 years | Labourer | Consumption, 2 years | N | N | Mary Lally, mother, PAD | Link |
10/01/1887 | Lisheenoran | Patrick Fahy | M | Bachelor | 23 years | Labourer | Phthisis, 6 months | Y | Richard Fahy, brother, PAD | Link | |
24/01/1888 | Wood Park | Julia Newell | F | Married | 65 years | None | Pains in the chest and feet, 7 weeks | N | N | Mary Burke, PAD | Link |
09/02/1888 | Cregduf | Margaret Browne | F | Spinster | 40 years | Housekeeper | Consumption, 2 years | N | N | Sarah Browne, PAD | Link |
14/02/1888 | Grange Kilroe | William Kililea | M | Married | 50 years | Labourer | Cirrhosis of liver, 1 year, ascites, 4 months | Y | Martin Kililea, PAD | Link | |
21/02/1888 | Rinahaurna | Mary Glynn | F | Widow | 85 years | Pauper | Old age and debility, bedridden, a long time | N | N | Michael Mulroyan, occupier | Link |
27/02/1888 | Belford | Mary Comer | F | Spinster | 80 years | Beggar | Died suddenly from smothering, no inquest | N | N | Anne Allen, neighbour, who found the body | Link |
28/03/1888 | Shanbally | Patrick Shaughnessy | M | Bachelor | 22 years | Peasant | Consumption, 12 months | N | N | Frank Shaughnessy, brother and occupier | Link |
04/04/1888 | Lisheenoran | Patrick Flaherty | M | Widower | 79 years | Peasant | Pleuritis, one week | N | N | Thomas Forde, PAD | Link |
16/04/1888 | Castlecreevin | Michael Daly | M | Married | 44 years | Lab | Vomiting from the stomach, half hour | N | N | Mary Daly, widow of deceased, Castlecreevin | Link |
17/04/1888 | Lisheenoran | Mary Boyle | F | Spinster | 14 years | Peasant’s daughter | Brain Fever, 14 days | Y | Julia Boyle, mother, PAD | Link | |
29/04/1888 | Sleavfin | Michael Hession | M | Married | 52 years | Peasant | Suffocative bronchitis, 5 days | Y | Kate Fahy, PAD, Carraghy | Link | |
09/05/1888 | Tonamace | Honor Lavelle | F | Widow | 76 years | Labourer | Chronic bronchitis, 3 months | N | N | Mary Boyle, daughter, PAD | Link |
20/06/1888 | Aughcluggeen | Mary Delaney | F | Spinster | 73 years | Beggar | Weakness and palsy of the limbs, some time | N | N | Mary Leonard, PAD | Link |
16/06/1888 | Anagh | Mary Burke | F | Spinster | 25 years | Labourer | Common continued fever, 3 weeks | Y | Michael Flaherty, PAD | Link | |
10/08/1888 | Annadown Glebe | William Hamilton | M | Bachelor | 32 years | Clergyman of the Irish Church | Phthisis pulmonum, 6 months | Y | John Hamilton, father, PAD | Link | |
17/08/1888 | Belford | James King | M | Bachelor | 13 years | Labourer | Chronic congestion of the lungs, 8 months | Y | Bridget King, mother, PAD | Link | |
21/08/1888 | Thonegurrane | Thomas Mulrooney | M | Bachelor | 14 days | None | Violent tormica | N | N | Mary Daly, PAD, Castlecreevin | Link |
17/09/1888 | Clonboo | Michael Burke | M | Bachelor | 2 days | Labourer’s child | Weakness since birth | N | N | Thomas Burke, brother, PAD | Link |
08/11/1888 | Currandulla | Honor Silk | F | Widow | 81 years | Blacksmith’s widow | Gravel and dropsy, one week | N | N | John Silk, son, PAD | Link |
25/01/1888 | Belford | John Kavanagh | M | Married | 73 years | Stonemason | Weakness and debility, 2 weeks | N | N | Mary Kavanagh, widow of deceased, occupier | Link |
21/11/1888 | Barana | Margaret Newell | F | Married | 50 years | Peasant | Exhaustion from previous uterine flooding, 3 weeks | Y | John Newell, husband of deceased and occupier | Link | |
27/11/1888 | Gardenham | Mary Browne | F | Married | 28 years | None | Phthisis pulmonum, 6 months | Y | Bridget Cunningham, PAD, Cantony | Link | |
03/01/1889 | Sleavfin | Michael Hynes | M | Married | 79 years | Peasant | Senile asthenia and obstipation, one month | Y | Bridget Hynes, widow of deceased, occupier | Link | |
08/01/1889 | Grange | Bridget Killilea | F | Married | 59 years | Peasant | Rheumatic pericarditis, 2 months | Y | Patrick Killilea, widower of deceased, occupier | Link | |
02/02/1889 | Carragh | Mary Redington | F | Widow | 72 years | Poor widow | Hepatitis, 4 months | Y | Thomas Redington, son and occupier | Link | |
07/02/1889 | Lisheenoran | John Forde | M | Married | 85 years | Peasant | Bronchtiis, one year, smothering, 2 weeks | N | N | Kate Forde, daughter-in-law, PAD | Link |
30/12/1888 | Caherlea | John Dooley | M | Widower | 80 years | Carpenter | Old age and debility, one week | N | N | Mary Kilkelly, PAD, Cotteenty | Link |
19/02/1889 | Glebe House, Annadown | John Hamilton | M | Married | 79 years | Clerk and Canon of the “Irish Church” | Died suddenly, ten minutes | N | N | Isabella Jane Hamilton, widow of deceased, who found the body, Annadown Glebe | Link |
18/02/1889 | Gortroe | Bridget Kennedy | F | Spinster | 14 years | None | Disease of the brain with suppuration of the brain, 2 months | Y | John Kennedy, father and occupier | Link | |
27/02/1889 | Annagh West or Knockbluff | Myles Walsh | M | Married | 50 years | Landholder | Drowned accidental | Certificate received from James McDonagh, Coroner for Co. Galway, Inquest held 1st March 1889 | Link | ||
23/03/1889 | Clonboo | Michael Scully | M | Bachelor | 24 years | Labourer | Phthisis pulmonum, 4 months | Y | Patrick Scully, uncle, PAD, Castlecreevin | Link | |
23/03/1889 | Tonegurane | Michael Redington | M | Widower | 84 years | Peasant | Swelling of feet and smothering, one month | N | N | Anne Lardner, granddaughter, PAD | Link |
25/03/1889 | Farmerstown | Kate Moylan | F | Spinster | 20 years | Peasant | Hepatitis, one year, and anasarca, 6 months | Y | Patrick Moylan, brother, PAD | Link | |
06/04/1889 | Clonboo | Michael Hennelly | M | Bachelor | 18 years | Labourer | Consumption, 3 months | N | N | Patrick Scully, PAD, Currandulla | Link |
03/04/1889 | Grange Kilroe | Mary Greally | F | Married | 61 years | Farmer’s wife | Complaining of drowsiness, 2 days | N | N | Darby Greally, son, PAD | Link |
19/04/1889 | Carragh | Peter Commins | M | Bachelor | 82 years | Beggar | Old age and exhaustion, 3 weeks | Y | Kate Fahy, PAD | Link | |
25/04/1889 | Lisheenoran | Thomas Fahy | M | Married | 77 years | Small farmer | Hemiplegia, 9 weeks | N | N | Honor Fahy, widow of deceased, PAD | Link |
23/05/1889 | Thonegurrane | Michael Gordon | M | Bachelor | 25 years | Labourer | Chronic hip disease, a long time | Y | Martin Gordon, occupier | Link | |
18/05/1889 | Adrigoole | Margaret Leonard | F | Widow | 75 years | Peasant | Hemiplegia, 12 months | N | N | Roger Leonard, son, PAD | Link |
28/06/1889 | Annagh | Mary Forde | F | Widow | 75 years | Peasant | Bronchitis, one week | N | N | Thomas Scahill, PAD | Link |
04/07/1889 | Grange Kilroe | Bridget Davin | F | Married | 68 years | Peasant | Sickly, a long time, sudden weakness and swelling up, a few hours | N | N | Kate Davin, sister-in-law, PAD | Link |
06/07/1889 | Mullaghdrum | Sarah Fahy | F | Widow | 74 years | Beggar | General paralysis, one month | Y | Mary Forde, PAD | Link | |
12/07/1889 | Lisheenoran | Julia Stanton | F | Spinster | 17 years | Labourer | General rheumatism, 9 months, rheumatic carditis, 9 months | Y | Bridget Molloy, PAD, Clonboo | Link | |
16/07/1889 | Lisheenoran | Honor Boyle | F | Widow | 77 years | Poor widow | Old age and debility, bedridden, many years | N | N | Honor Small, PAD, Park | Link |
21/08/1889 | Tonegurane | Mary Qualter | F | Widow | 78 years | Peasant | Gravel and anasarca, 6 months | N | N | Julai Qualter, daughter-in-law, PAD | Link |
20/10/1889 | Lisheenoran | Patrick Fahy | M | Married | 73 years | Peasant | Suddenly from weakened heart | N | N | Brian Fahy, son, PAD | Link |
06/11/1889 | Drumgriffin | Bridget Rabbit | F | Married | 63 years | Peasant | Severe cough and smothering, 3 months | N | N | James Rabbit, son, PAD | Link |
15/11/1889 | Castlecreevin | Francis Casey | M | Married | 69 years | Labourer | Weakness and sore foot, 2 years | N | N | Bridget Casey, widow of deceased, PAD | Link |
16/11/1889 | Adrigoole | Bridget Brennan | F | Spinster | 22 years | Servant | Phthisis pulmonum, 12 months | Y | Kate Brennan, sister, PAD | Link | |
12/11/1889 | Woodvillage | Martin Doogan | M | Bachelor | 23 years | Labourer | Valvular disease of the heart, 6 months | Y | Thomas Doogan, father, PAD | Link | |
01/11/1889 | Knockbluff Road | William Garvey | M | Bachelor | 45 years | Mendicant | Found dying on the Knockbluff Road from exposure | N | N | Martin Forde, PAD, Knockbluff | Link |
02/12/1889 | Muckruss | Patrick Fenaghty | M | Married | 70 years | Farmer | Pains in the bones, 6 weeks | N | N | John Fenaghty, son, PAD | Link |
16/12/1889 | Shankil | Mary Farraher | F | Married | 73 years | Peasant | Chronic liver disease, long time | Y | Patrick Farraher, son, PAD | Link | |
04/12/1889 | Baunmore | Ellen Hughes | F | Widow | 87 years | None | Old age, bedridden from fracture of the neck of the femur, 6 years | N | N | John Brennan, grandson, PAD | Link |
25/12/1889 | Aughclogeen | Margaret Mulery | F | Widow | 68 years | Housekeeper | Weakness and smothering and throwing off the stomach, ten days | N | N | John Kelly, PAD, Aughclogeen | Link |
03/01/1890 | Castlecreevin | Patrick Silk | M | Bachelor | 42 years | A poor cripple and idiot | Bronchitis, one week | N | N | Bridget Scahill, PAD | Link |
07/01/1890 | Wood Park | Peter Newell | M | Widower | 89 years | Land owner and farmer | Paralysis, 9 years, weakness and great debility, two weeks | N | N | Patrick Newell, son, PAD | Link |
15/01/1890 | Cregg | Mary Mealley | F | Married | 40 years | Peasant | Pain in the head, 14 days | N | N | Thomas Mealley, widower of deceased and occupier | Link |
26/12/1889 | Aughcluggeen | Honor King | F | Spinster | 1 year | Labourer’s child | Acute catarrh, six days | N | N | Bridget King, PAD | Link |
17/02/1890 | Clonboo | Patrick Moran | M | Married | 50 years | Peasant | Convulsions in relapse after influenza, one week | Y | Bridget Allen, PAD | Link | |
22/02/1890 | Balanaghea | Bridget Hardiman | F | Widow | 74 years | Housekeeper | Influenza, one week | N | N | Denis Hynes, son-in-law, PAD, Clonboo | Link |
13/02/1890 | Cloonlinane | Michael Devany | M | Bachelor | 22 years | Labourer | Phthisis and sore knee, 1 year | Y | Darby Devany, father and occupier | Link | |
07/02/1890 | Knockbluff | Celia Kavanagh | F | Widow | 80 years | Peasant | Weakness and debility, one month | N | N | John Coneely, PAD | Link |
22/02/1890 | Cotteenty | Honor Kavanagh | F | Widow | 75 years | Peasant | Bronchitis, 2 months | N | N | Francis Kavanagh, son and occupier | Link |
24/02/1890 | Barana | John Casey | M | Married | 64 years | Peasant | Disease of the kidneys and great thirst, 8 months | N | N | Bridget Casey, daughter, PAD | Link |
23/03/1890 | Annadown Monastery | Joseph Boland | M | Bachelor | 21 years | A Monk of the Order of St. Francis | Consumption of the lungs, 2 years | N | N | Bro. Leo D. O’Donnell, PAD | Link |
22/03/1890 | Grange Kilroe | Peter Greally | M | Bachelor | 21 years | Peasant | Dropsy, 3 months | N | N | Darby Greally, brother, PAD | Link |
17/04/1890 | Currandulla | Margaret Lynch | F | Spinster | 22 years | Peasant | Bronchitis, 10 weeks, suffocative bronchtis, 2 weeks | Y | Mark Lynch, father and occupier | Link | |
17/03/1890 | Lisheenoran | Honor Flaherty | F | Widow | 70 years | Peasant | Weakness and debility, 4 days | N | N | Thomas Flaherty, son, PAD | Link |
13/04/1890 | Castlecrevin | Kate Silke | F | Married | 81 years | Peasant | Smothering and cough, 3 years | N | N | William Silke, widower of deceased, PAD | Link |
19/04/1890 | Gardenham | Honor Fannin | F | Spinster | 65 years | Labourer | Smothering, two days | N | N | Mary Kilgarif, PAD | Link |
09/04/1890 | Gardenham | Mary Burke | F | Widow | 80 years | Peasant | Cough and smothering, 3 days | N | N | Mary Kilgarif, PAD | Link |
23/03/1890 | Lisheenoran | Margaret Staunton | F | Widow | 68 years | Peasant | Typhus fever, 10 days | Y | Ellen Staunton, daughter-in-law, PAD | Link | |
30/03/1890 | Lisheenoran | Bridget Staunton | F | Spinster | 32 years | Peasant | Typhus fever, 11 days | Y | Ellen Staunton, sister-in-law, PAD | Link | |
06/04/1890 | Lisheenoran | Patrick Staunton | M | Married | 45 years | Peasant | Typhus fever, 10 days | Y | Ellen Staunton, widow of deceased, PAD | Link | |
04/05/1890 | Drumgriffin | Michael Hughes | M | Married | 55 years | Landholder | Typhus fever, 10 days | Y | Anne Hughes, daughter, PAD | Link | |
05/05/1890 | Castlecreevin | Kate Scahill | F | Married | 64 years | Farmer’s wife | Uterine polypus, 1 year, difficult micturition, 5 weeks | Y | Thomas Scahill, widower of deceased and occupier | Link | |
19/05/1890 | Castlecreevin | Patrick Scahill (Kerigan) | M | Widower | 82 years | Peasant | Cancer of the hand, 8 months | N | N | Margaret Scahill, daughter, PAD | Link |
19/06/1890 | Grange near Kilroe | Patrick Grealy | M | Widower | 78 years | Farmer | Ulcers in bowels, 9 months | Y | Dermot Grealy, son and occupier | Link | |
19/06/1890 | Farmerstown | Bridget Joyce | F | Married | 24 years | Peasant | Phthisis pulmonum, one year | Y | Mark Lynch, PAD, Currandulla | Link | |
12/04/1890 | Cregg Castle | Errol Ignatius Blake | M | Bachelor | 31 years | Gentleman | Pneumonia, gangrene, 18 days | Y | Malachy J. Ryan, PAD | Link | |
13/08/1890 | Drumgriffin | Mary Higgins | F | Widow | 81 years | Pauper | Bedridden, one year, cough and great debility, 3 months | Y | Margaret Higgins, daughter, PAD | Link | |
03/08/1890 | Belford | Margaret Holmes | F | Married | 60 years | Mendicant | Epilepsy, long time, renal anasarca, 9 months | Y | Martin Holmes, widower of deceased and occupier | Link | |
31/08/1890 | Castlecrevin | John Silk | M | Married | 60 years | Small farmer | Liver disease and vomiting, 3 weeks | N | N | Ellen McDonagh, PAD | Link |
04/10/1890 | Clonboo | Honor Scully | M | Spinster | 23 years | Peasant | Phthisis pulmonum, 8 months | Y | Patrick Scully, uncle, PAD, Currandulla | Link | |
21/09/1890 | Clonboo | James Finerty | M | Married | 80 years | Labourer | Vomiting and weakness, 9 weeks | N | N | Frank Allen, occupier | Link |
03/10/1880 | Anagh | Darby Lally | M | Married | 82 years | Peasant | Complaining of a stitch in the side, 2 weeks | N | N | John Lally, son, PAD | Link |
21/10/1880 | Tonamace | Margaret Wynne | F | Widow | 68 years | Peasant | Cough from cold, one month | N | N | James Cosgrave, PAD | Link |
08/10/1890 | Sleavfin | Delia Cunningham | F | Spinster | 13 years | Farmer’s daughter | Phthisis pulmonum, 6 months | Y | Mary E. Joyce, aunt, PAD, Knockdoe | Link | |
22/11/1890 | Clonboo | Margaret Warde | F | Widow | 74 years | Poor woman | Pain about the heart and smothering, four days | N | N | John Scully, occupier | Link |
15/12/1890 | Knockbluff | Thomas Kavanagh | M | Widower | 83 years | Peasant farmer | Severe cough, one week, and delirium, 2 days | N | N | Andrew Faherty, PAD | Link |
15/12/1890 | Rinahaurna | Bryan Neale | M | Married | 76 years | Peasant farmer | Cancer of mouth, a long time | N | N | Kate Neale, daughter, PAD | Link |
13/12/1890 | Mace | Mary Forde | F | Widow | 80 years | Poor peasant | Chronic bronchitis, 2 years | N | N | Michael Moran, occupier | Link |
22/12/1890 | Ballinaghea | Ellen Hardiman | F | Married | 33 years | Peasant | Consumption, 3 years | N | N | Patrick Hardiman, widower of deceased and occupier | Link |
Turloughmore Deaths, 1886-1890