Glenrevagh / An Gleann Riabhach
Compiled by Nicholas Lyons
Irish name: An Gleann Riabhach
English name: Glenrevagh.
Meaning: The streaked, grey glen or ridge.
Area: 553 acres, 3 roods and 26 perches.
Information from O’Donovan’s Field Name Books
Other names: Glean Riabhach, Glenrevagh, Glanreevagh (B. S. Sketch Map), Glanevaugh (High Constable 1838), Glanrovagh (Local), Glanreagh (Rector of Annaghdown).
Description: Proprietors T. Skerritt Esq. All under tillage except portions of rocky ground in the West side of this townland. There is a Burial Ground in the West side of this townland.
Situation: It is situated ¾ mile South of Cahermorris(Unable to read). Bounded North Bunahivenabeg and Cahermorris. South by Turloughgorrive. East Bunahevanamore and West by Balrubbuckbeg.
Population Statistics
1841: 45 houses, 248 people (121 male,127 female)
1851: 39 houses, 128 people (59 male,69 female)
1861: 32 houses, 135 people (65 male, 70 female)
1871: _27 houses, 135 people (74 male, 61 female)
1881: 22 houses, 105 people (54 male, 51 female)
1891: 20 houses, 93 people (45 male, 48 female)
1901: 19 houses, 77 people (39 male, 38 female)
1911: 17 houses, 69 people (35 male, 26 female)
2011: 51 houses (6 vacant), 151 people (78 male, 73 female)
1821 Tithe Applotment Books
- Prior to The Composition Act 1823, tithes due to the Church of England were payable in kind. This new Act specified they should be paid in money. Therefore it was necessary to carry out an evaluation of property in the entire country to determine what landholder should pay.
- There were different rates for the varying quality of land. In Glenrevagh the rates were one shilling and nine pence.
- In 1824 F Blake has 150 acres paying seven pounds ten shillings at a rate of one shilling per acre. James Greany had 20 acres paying seventeen shillings six pence (10 acres at 1s and 10 acres at 9 pence).
- The following are also recorded:
- Ths Hession with 5 acres at 1s and 5 at 9 pence.
- John Craven with 5 acres at 1s and 5 acres at 9 pence.
- Bryan Healy and son with 7 acres 2 roods at 1s and 7 acres 2 roods at 9 pence.
- Phillip Halloran with 5 acres at 1s and 5 acres at 9 pence.
- Martin Moran with 5 acres at 1s and 5 acres at 9 pence.
- Thos Whelan with 5 acres at 1s and 5 acres at 9 pence.
- Thos Connor with 2 acres 2 roods at 1s and 2 acres 2 roods at 9 pence.
- Martin Hughes with 2 acres 2 roods at 1s and 2 acres 2 roods at 9 pence.
- Thos Cravin with 2 acres 2 roods at 1s and 2 acres 2 roods at 9 pence.
- Mary Moran with 2 acres 2 roods at 1s and 2 acres 2 roods at 9 pence.
- Thos Whelan Jim with 2 acres 2 roods at 1s and 2 acres 2 roods at 9 pence.
The total acreage recorded for the townland is two hundred and sixty acres with 12 pounds, 6 shillings and 3 pence divided between Rev R. Marley and J. Kirwan.
The tax was not payable on all land, in some areas only on tillage, i.e. potatoes, and not on grassland so there was glaring inequity with its application.
Valuations were carried out over a fifteen year period until 1838 when they were abolished.
1840 Griffith’s House Books and 1855 Griffith’s Valuation
There are 31 listings for the townland with Mark Lynch shown as the landlord in each case. There were seventeen houses with land occupied by tenants, and one cottier’s house and garden held in fee simple by Mark Lynch. One house with cottier’s house and land was held by Patrick Greany and one herd’s house with land was held by John Farraher.
The following are listed with houses and land: Thomas McCue, Patrick Shaughnessy, John Canavan, William Halloran, Martin Moran, John Ward, Patrick Craven, Thomas Curry, Timothy Healy, Thomas Whelan, Patrick Canavan, Patrick Fury, Patrick Gordon, David Langan, Francis Greany, Margaret Templeton, and Patrick Burke.
The following are listed with land only: Patrick Dooly, Martin Burke, Mary Greany, Michael Greany, Peter Greany, Catherine Curry, Francis Fury, John Craven, Robert Canavan.

1841 Sale
In November 1841 the following advertisement appeared in the national press:
TO BE SOLD, THE FEE AND INHERITANCE of three lots of land before The Second Remembrancer of the Court of the Exchequer at His Chambers on The Inns-Quay, Dublin on 22nd November 1841. Lot 1 consisted of land in Balrobuck, lot 2 was land in Glanrevagh Village consisting of twenty farms and Glanrevagh Farm consisting of seventeen farms, and Lot 3 was land in Rickardbee Park.
Dominick Lynch and others are stated as Plaintiffs, with Dominick D. Skerrett and others as Defendants.
The farmers listed in the Glanrevagh Village with their yearly rents are as follows: Thomas Whealon, William Hushon, Martin Moran, Thomas Conry, Bryan Healy, Thady Healy Martin Healy, John Creaven, James Greyney, (doctor) Michael Greyney (doctor), Philip Holeran, John Quin, Thomas Hushon, Bartley Conneely and co, Michael Greyney (mower), James Greyney, junior, Mary Ruane, widow, John Cunningham, William Murphy, and Michael Carr.
The farmers listed in the Glanrevagh Farm are as follows: Michael Kilkelly and Co, James Sweeney and Co, Thomas Feenaghty Patrick, Patrick Feenaghty, junior, William Kilkelly, John Burke, William Gilmore and Co, William Feenaghty, Mary Burke, widow, James Greyney (doctor), John Creaven, John Cunningham, Philip Holleran, Thady Healy, David Langan, Patrick Canavan, and Patrick Healy.
1871-1901 Deaths
Date | Townland | Name | Sex | Condition | Age | Occupation | Cause | Medical Attendant | Certified | Registered by | Link |
14/10/1871 | Glanrevagh | Mary Lee | F | Widow | 64 years | Cottier’s widow | Chronic cough, 6 months | N | N | Mary Lee, PAD | Link |
07/06/1872 | Glanrevagh | Patrick Moran | M | Bachelor | 3 years | Landholder’s son | Scarlet fever, 36 hours | N | N | Patrick Moran, PAD | Link |
23/06/1872 | Glanreavagh | Michael Holleran | M | Bachelor | 6 years | Landholder’s son | Scarlatina, 3 days | N | N | Judy Holleran, PAD | Link |
03/07/1872 | Glenrevagh | Martin Moran | M | Bachelor | 4.5 years | Labourer’s son | Scarlatina, 3 weeks | Y | Margaret Moran, PAD | Link | |
25/04/1873 | Glanrevagh | William Hession | M | Widower | 80 years | Labourer | Cough, 6 months | N | N | Sarah Langan, PAD | Link |
17/03/1874 | Glanrevagh | Margaret Moran | F | Married | 62 years | Landholder’s wife | Anasarca, 5 months | Y | Martin Moran, PAD | Link | |
21/05/1874 | Glanrevagh | Martin Moran | M | Widower | 72 years | Landholder | Debility, 4 weeks | Y | Margaret Moran, PAD | Link | |
16/02/1876 | Glanrevagh | Mary Cunningham | F | Married | 60 years | Landholder’s wife | Typhus fever, 10 days | Y | John Cunningham, PAD | Link | |
01/07/1876 | Glanrevagh | Sibby Canavan | F | Spinster | 16 years | Landholder’s daughter | General paralysis from birth | N | N | John Canavan, PAD | Link |
06/07/1877 | Glanrevagh | Thomas McHugh | M | Widower | 77 years | Landholder | Bronchitis, 6 weeks | N | N | Mary Kilkelly, PAD, Balrobuckbeg | Link |
11/07/1877 | Glanrevagh | Patrick Higgins | M | Bachelor | 19 years | Landholder’s son | Paralysis from birth, 19 years | Y | Patrick Greany, PAD, Cahermorris | Link | |
16/07/1877 | Glanrevagh | Thomas Gilmore | M | Married | 78 years | Pauper | Old age and debility, 6 months | N | N | Julia Greany, PAD, Cahermorris | Link |
10/05/1878 | Glanrevagh | Infant Lawless | M | Bachelor | 4 days | Landholder’s son | Convulsions from birth | N | N | Mary Lawless, mother | Link |
14/05/1879 | Glanrevagh | Bridget Burke | F | Spinster | 60 years | Pauper | Weakness and fever, 2 days | N | N | Patrick Graney, PAD | Link |
09/07/1880 | Glanrevagh | William Canavan | M | Married | 40 years | Landholder | Vomiting, 6 days | N | N | Mary Canavan, PAD | Link |
04/08/1880 | Glanrevagh | Honor Canavan | F | Spinster | 2 months | Landholder’s daughter | Weakness from birth | N | N | Mary Canavan, PAD | Link |
29/08/1880 | Glanrevagh | Mary Greany | F | Married | 45 years | Landholder’s wife | Typhus fever, 12 days | Y | Pat Greany, PAD, Cahermorris | Link | |
04/11/1880 | Glanrevagh | Margaret Gilmore | F | Widow | 82 years | Midwife | Old age | N | N | Michael Lee, PAD | Link |
07/01/1881 | Glanrevagh | Kate Hession | F | Married | 65 years | Landholder’s wife | Cough, 6 months | N | N | Julia Greany, PAD, Cahermorris | Link |
28/07/1882 | Glanrevagh | Patrick Creaven | M | Married | 75 years | Labourer | Old age | N | N | Michl Gilmore, PAD | Link |
01/04/1883 | Glanrevagh | Catherine Greany | F | Married | 64 years | Labourer’s wife | Chronic bronchitis, 9 months | N | N | Margaret Greany, daughter, PAD | Link |
18/12/1883 | Glanrevagh | Mary Murphy | F | Widow | 90 years | Herd’s widow | Old age, ? weeks | N | N | Winifred Naughton, daughter, PAD | Link |
23/02/1884 | Glanrevagh | Margaret Goardon | F | Widow | 78 years | Landholder’s widow | Senile decay, 3 months | N | N | Francis Greaney, brother, PAD | Link |
03/03/1884 | Glanrevagh | John Canavan | M | Bachelor | 6 years, 2 months | Landholder’s child | Whooping cough, 6 weeks | N | N | Mary Canavan, mother, PAd | Link |
02/09/1884 | Glanrevagh | Pat Fury | M | Married | 75 years | Landholder | Senile decay, 9 months | N | N | John Fury, son, PAD | Link |
05/04/1885 | Glanrevagh | William Burke | M | Married | 66 years | Weaver | Bronchitis, 14 days | N | N | Thomas Burke, son, PAD | Link |
27/05/1885 | Glanrevagh | Pat Canavan | M | Married | 80 years | Landholder | Senile decay, 2 years | N | N | Margaret Canavan, daughter, PAD | Link |
31/10/1886 | Glanrevaugh | Infant Holleran | M | Bachelor | Few minutes | Landholder’s infant | Debility from birth | N | N | Philip Holleran, father, PAD | Link |
06/02/1886 | Glanrevagh | Catherine Greany | F | Spinster | 18 months | Labourer’s child | Burn, 2 weeks | N | N | James Greany, father, PAD | Link |
28/01/1889 | Glanrevaugh | Infant Canavan | M | Bachelor | Few minutes | Labourer’s child | Weakness from birth | N | N | John Canavan, father, PAD | Link |
03/08/1889 | Glanrevagh | Winifred Greany | F | Widow | 70 years | Labourer’s widow | General debility, 4 days | N | N | Kate Greany, PAD | Link |
06/10/1889 | Glanrevagh | Martin Holleran | M | Bachelor | 8 days | Landholder’s infant | Debility from birth | N | N | Julia Holleran, mother, PAD | Link |
19/01/1890 | Glanrevaugh | Kate Greany | F | Married | 40 years | Labourer’s wife | Rheumatic fever, 5 weeks | Y | Francis Greany, son, PAD | Link | |
04/02/1890 | Glanrevaugh | Francis Greany | M | Widower | 79 years | Landholder | Senile decay, 7 days | N | N | James Greany, son, PAD | Link |
21/07/1890 | Glanrevaugh | John Canavan | M | Bachelor | 3 months | Landholder’s infant | Convulsions, 3 hours | N | N | Honor Canavan, mother, PAD | Link |
21/06/1891 | Glanrevaugh | Thomas Langan | M | Bachelor | 24 years | Labourer | COnsumption, 2 years | N | N | Sarah Langan, aunt, PAD | Link |
01/07/1892 | Glanrevaugh | John Canavan | M | Married | 36 years | Landholder | Phthisis pulmonum, 5 years | N | N | Bridget Canavan, wife, PAD | Link |
26/06/1892 | Glanrevaugh | Catherine Curry | F | Widow | 80 years | Landholder | General debility, 12 months | N | N | Austin Curry, son, PAD | Link |
24/08/1892 | Glanrevaugh | Margaret Canavan | F | Widow | 84 years | Landholder’s widow | Senile decay, 4 months | N | N | Margaret Moran, PAD | Link |
12/01/1893 | Glanrevaugh | Martin Greaney | M | Widower | 61 years | Landholder | Typhus fever, 8 days | Y | Patrick Greaney, PAD, Bunnatubber | Link | |
06/02/1893 | Glanrevaugh | Pat Moran | M | Married | 51 years | Labourer | Pneumonia, 8 days | Y | Maggie Moran, PAD | Link | |
10/03/1893 | Glanrevaugh | Thomas Langan | M | Married | 69 years | Landholder | Pneumonia, 9 days | N | N | Sarah Langan, PAD | Link |
14/10/1893 | Glenrevaugh | Winifred Naughton | F | Married | 60 years | Landholder’s wife | Chronic bronchitis, 3 years | N | N | Celia Burke, PAD, Turloughgarriff | Link |
25/01/1894 | Glanrevaugh | Bridget Holleran | F | Spinster | 3.5 years | Landholder’s child | Croup, 24 hours | N | N | Philip Holleran, father, PAD | Link |
04/02/1894 | Glanrevaugh | William Holleran | M | Married | 82 years | Landholder | General debility, 3 years | N | N | Philip Holleran, PAD | Link |
28/01/1895 | Glanrevaugh | Martin Higgins | M | Widower | 72 years | Labourer | General debility, 2 years | N | N | Thomas Higgins, PAD | Link |
09/12/1895 | Glanrevaugh | Bridget McTighe | F | Married | 30 years | Carpenter’s wife | Natural to wit syncope and not of any violent means whatsoever | Y | Certificate received from James D. McDonagh, Coroner for Co. Galway. Inquest held 11th day December 1895 | Link | |
15/04/1898 | Glanrevaugh | Winifred Halloran | F | Spinster | 15 months | Daughter of landholder | Convulsions, 1 week | N | N | Philip Halloran, father, PAD | Link |
03/05/1898 | Glanrevaugh | Martin Greaney | M | Bachelor | 18 months | Landholder’s child | Acute bronchitis, 14 days | Y | Patrick Greaney, father, PAD | Link | |
23/05/1898 | Glanrevaugh | Margaret Burke | F | Spinster | 24 years | Servant | Consumption, 6 months | N | N | Delia Hession, PAD, Kilgill | Link |
05/08/1899 | Glanrevaugh | Mary Lawless | F | Married | 65 years | Wife of farmer | Chronic cough | N | N | Pat Lawless, husband, PAD | Link |
08/12/1899 | Glanrevaugh | Kate Greaney | F | Spinster | 22 years | Housekeeper | Phthisis, 2 years | Y | Pat Greaney, brother, PAD | Link | |
03/03/1900 | Glanrevaugh | Margaret Fury | F | Widow | 90 years | Widow of labourer | Old age and general debility | N | N | Patrick Fury, son, PAD | Link |
26/07/1900 | Glanrevaugh | James Greaney | M | Widower | 38 years | Landholder | Chronic cough, 1 year | N | N | Margaret Greaney, sister, PAD | Link |
07/09/1900 | Glanrevaugh | Michael Gilmore | M | Married | 64 years | Landholder | General debility, 1 year | N | N | Margaret Gilmore, daughter, PAD | Link |
14/10/1900 | Glanrevaugh | Honor Gilmore | F | Widow | 65 years | Widow of landholder | General debility, 6 months | N | N | Margaret Gilmore, PAD | Link |
1901 Census of Ireland
The 1901 Census of Ireland records the following 19 households in Glenrevagh.
- John Burke aged 63 years living with his wife Mary aged 70 years.
- Sarah Langan aged 70 years living with her son William aged 30 years.
- Thomas Burke aged 40 years living on his own.
- John Canavan Jr 60 years living with son John aged 30 years, daughter Margaret aged 18 years, daughter-in-law Ellen aged 23 years, and grandson William aged 1 year.
- Mary Canavan aged 60 years living with daughter Maggie aged 25 years, son Patrick aged 22 years, and son Malachy aged 19 years.
- Austin Curry aged 65 years living with wife Ellen aged 50 years, son Patrick aged 20 years, son Thomas aged 18 years, and daughter Mary aged 12 years.
- Patrick Fury aged 35 years living on his own.
- Patrick Greany aged 40 years living with wife Mary aged 35 years and sons Michael aged 3 years and Martin aged 0 years.
- John Cunningham aged 65 years living with wife Kate aged 57 years, son Pat aged 20 years, and daughters Mary aged 18 years, Kate aged 17 years, and Bridget aged 15 years.
- Julia Halloran aged 80 years living with son Philip aged 46 years, daughter-in-law Julia aged 38 years, grandsons William aged 16 years, Michael aged 13 years, and James aged 2 years and grand daughters Mary aged 8 years and Delia aged 6 years.
- Denis Ward aged 60 years living with wife Honor aged 62 years and sister-in-law Mary Kavanagh aged 72 years.
- John Canavan aged 84 years living with wife Sarah 83 years, son Patrick aged 48 years, daughter-in-law Honor aged 47 years, grandsons Patrick aged 20 years, Thomas aged aged 18 years, and granddaughters Mary aged 22 years, Bridget aged 14 years, Sibina aged 12 years and Norah aged 8 years.
- Patrick Lawless aged 64 years living with his daughter Bridget aged 32 years and sons Richard aged 26 years and Martin aged 24 years.
- Patrick Greany aged 22 years living with his sister Mary aged 19 years, brother Thomas aged 17 years and aunt Margaret 46 years.
- Thomas Higgins aged 60 years living with his wife Anne aged 60 years, daughter Mary aged 21 years, and brother-in-law Thomas Curry aged 50 years.
- Margaret Gilmore aged 21 years living with her sister Norah aged 18 years.
- John Naughton aged 84 years living on his own.
- Margaret Moran aged 56 years living with sons John 21 years, Michael aged 19 years and Malachy aged 17 years and daughters Mary aged 29 years, Margaret aged 25 years, Norah aged 23 years and Winnie aged 14 years.
- Mary Gibbons aged 65 years living with sons Patrick aged 40 years and Michael aged 24 year.
There were nine second class houses, nine third class houses and one fourth class house recorded in the townland for this census. All nineteen houses had walls made of stone, brick or concrete and with roofs made of thatch, wood or perishable material. Patrick Fury’s house had one room only with no window at front, John Naughton had a house with one room only and one window at front only. All the rest had houses with either 2, 3, or 4 rooms and 2 or 3 windows at front.
1911 Census
- Margaret Moran aged 67 years living with her son Michael aged 28 years, daughter Norah aged 33 years, daughter Winnie aged 25 years, grand son Willie Flanagan aged 8 years, and grand daughter Mary Flanagan aged 11 years.
- Pat Canavan aged 57 years living with his wife Honor aged 56 years, son Pat Canavan aged 30 years, son Thomas aged 28 years, daughter Sarah aged 25 years, and daughter Sabina aged 21 years.
- Thomas Higgins aged 58 years living with his wife Anne aged 73 years and Bridget Creaven, a relative, aged 67 years.
- Margaret Greaney aged 54 years living with her nephew Michael Greaney aged 32 years.
- Patrick Lawless aged 81 years living with his son Richard Lawless, daughter-in-law Mary Lawless aged 31 years,and daughter Bridget Lawless aged 41 years.
- Patrick Greaney aged 51 years living with his wife Mary aged 50 years, his sons Michael aged 13 years and Martin aged 10 years.
- Denis Ward aged 75 years living with his sister-in-law Mary Cavanagh aged 82 years.
- Philip Holloran aged 58 years living with his wife Julia aged 52 years, his sons Michael aged 24 years, James aged 12 years, John aged 10 years and his daughters Mary aged 18 years, Delia aged 16 years and Marget aged 7 years.
- Mary Canavan aged 64 years living with her daughter Margaret aged 35 years and son Malachie aged 32 years.
- John Cunningham aged 75 years living with his wife Kate aged 68 years, his son Patrick aged 29 years and his daughter Bridget aged 26 years.
- John Canavan aged 74 years living with his sons John aged 40 years, Willie aged 11 years, Patk aged 7 years, Michael aged 6 years, Stephen aged 4 years, James aged 3 years and his daughter Mary aged 9 years.
- Augustin Curry aged 68 years living with his wife Ellen aged 70 years and his son Tom aged 25 years.
- Tom Burke aged 60 years living with his brother Wm aged 40 years.
- Patrick Gibbons aged 48 years living with his wife Bridget aged 46 years.
- Pat Furey aged 50 years a widower living on his own.
- John Naughton aged 75 years living on his own.
- William Langan aged 60 years living with his wife Mary aged 56 years.
By 1911 census John and Mary Burke’s house had disappeared (number 1 on 1901 census) as had Margaret and Norah Gilmore’s house (number 16 on 1901 census).
There were eight second class and nine third class houses recorded. All seventeen houses had walls made of stone, brick or concrete and roofs made of thatch, wood or perishable material.
All houses had two rooms recorded including John Naughton who had only one room recorded in the 1901 census. All had two or three windows at front except John Naughton who had only one window at front.
Sixteen houses are listed as having a cow house – the exception is John Naughton. Thirteen have a piggery, four have a calf house, eight have a barn, one has a turf house (Wm Langan) and seven have a cart house.