Gortroe / An Gort Rua
Compiled by Br Conal Thomas
Irish name: An Gort Rua
English name: Gortroe
Meaning: gort (also: gart), field, rua (also: ruadh), red; red place
Area: 312 acres, 3 roods and 4 perches
Field Names: None yet recorded.
Other Landmarks: None yet recorded.
Information from O’Donovan’s Field Name Books
Other names: Gortroe, Gurtroe (B. S. Sketch Map), Gurtroe (Barony Map), Gortrow (Captain John Butler, Winterfield), Gortrosey (County Book), Gortrosy (County Book), Gurtroe (County Map), Gortroe (High Constable 1838), Gortroe (Local), Gortroe (Rector of Annaghdown).
Description: Proprietor John Butler, Esq. All under tillage. Boundary, a bye road forms it.
Situation: It is situated ¼ mile W. of Annaghdown Church [of Ireland]. Bounded North by Tumnahulla and Bolesheen. South by Mullaghadrum and South East by Caherlea and West by Carrowbeg N. and South.
Population Statistics
1841: 20 houses, 123 people (56 male, 67 female)
1851: 22 houses (2 vacant), 141 people (63 male,78 female)
1861: 21 houses, 127 people (62 male, 65 female)
1871: 20 houses, 113 people (49 male, 64 female)
1881: 18 houses, 111 people (44 male, 67 female)
1891: 19 houses. (2 vacant), 86 people (34 male, 52 female)
1901: 19 houses (2 vacant), 52 people (25 male, 37 female)
1911: 17 houses, 59 people (31 male, 28 female)
2011: 74 houses (9 vacant), 184 people (97 male, 87 female)
1821 Tithe Applotment Books
The first lessor was Thomas Butler, Esq.:71 acres was held in common by tenants of Castlecreevey.
The second lessor was James Skerritt, Esq.: Mr. John Kavanagh held 19 acres, Francis Brennan held 2 roods, David Fahy held 2 roods, Francis Neil held 17 acres, William Costelloe held 6 acres 2 roods.
The third lessor was Francis Blake Esq.: Mr. John Kavanagh held 10 acres, Redmond Hynes & partners held 4 acres, William Costelloe held 2 roods, B. Fahy & Linnane held 2 roods, J. Kilkelly & T. Cloe held 2 acres 1 rood, Pat Burke held 2 acres, Widow Skerritt held 16 acres.
1855 Griffith’s Valuation
Griffith’s Valuation of tenements shows that the lessors of Gortoe were John Butler and Francis Blake. There were 16 houses on the townland plus 1 schoolhouse.
- Mary Culkeen, house and land
- Michael Connor, house and garden
- John Butler, land
- James Morris, land
- John Wynn, land
- Thomas Lynch, land
- William Hessian, land
- Jeremiah Fahy, land
- National School House
- Jeremiah Fahy, land
- Owen Skahill, land
- Patk. Skahill, land
- Daniel Connor, house and land
- Superior of Monastery, house, offices and land
- William Kavanagh, house, office and land
- Bridget Neill, house, office and land
- Owen Mullavill, garden
- Patrick Wade, land
- Jeremiah Fahy, house, office and land
- Edmond Clowe, land
- Owen Mullavill, land
- John Stanton, house and land
- Johanna Small, house, office and land
- Bryan Neill, land
- John Kilkelly, house and land
- Patrick Fahy, house, office and land
- Francis Blake, land
- John Burke, house, office and land
- Patrick Lardner, house, office and land
- Michael Kelly, house and land
- Thomas Leonard, house and land
- John Kavanagh, house, office and land
- John Burke, land
- Patrick Lardner, land
1871-1901 Deaths
Date | Townland | Name | Sex | Condition | Age | Occupation | Cause | Medical Attendant | Certified | Registered by | Link |
25/01/1872 | Gortroe | Honor Fahy | F | Spinster | 12 years | Labourer’s daughter | Phthisis pulmonalis, one year | Y | Celia Fahy, PAD | Link | |
04/09/1872 | Gortroe | Patrick Larner | M | Married | 74 years | Farmer | Cystitis & Pyemia, one week | Y | Thomas Larner, occupier | Link | |
15/04/1873 | Crossroads | Mary Glynn | F | Widow | 70 years | Pauper | Bronchitis, a long time | Y | Julia Glynn, occupier | Link | |
09/08/1873 | Gortroe | John Burke | M | Married | 65 years | Small farmer | Hepatitis, some time | Y | James Burke, PAD | Link | |
09/08/1873 | Gortroe | John Burke | M | Married | 60 years | Farmer | Chronic hepatitis, long time | Y | P Burke, PAD | Link | |
18/05/1874 | Gortroe | Mary Connor | F | Married | 60 years | Labourer | Paralysis, a long time | Y | Daniel Connor, occupier | Link | |
08/11/1874 | Gortroe | Mary Cunningham | F | Married | 40 years | Labourer | Cirrhosis of the liver & ascites, a long time | Y | William Cunningham, occupier | Link | |
18/09/1875 | Gortroe | John Kilkelly | M | Widower | 77 years | Labourer | Bronchitis with great debility, some time | Y | Ellen Walsh, PAD | Link | |
04/02/1877 | Gortroe | Julia Small | F | Widow | 80 years | Peasant | Old age & exhaustion, 2 weeks | Y | John Kennedy, occupier | Link | |
28/08/1878 | Gortroe | John Cahill | M | Bachelor | 11 months | Farmer’s child | Pertussis, one month | N | N | John Cahill, occupier | Link |
10/11/1878 | Gortroe | Mary Kelly | F | Spinster | 70 years | Pauper | Cerebral paralysis, 2 months | Y | Ellen Kelly, occupier | Link | |
23/11/1878 | Gortroe | Cisely Fahy | F | Widow | 70 years | Peasant | Weakness & exhaustion, 3 months | N | N | Patrick Fahy, occupier | Link |
03/03/1879 | Gortroe | Mary Kulkeen | F | Widow | 70 years | None | Bronchitis, a long time | Y | Bridget Burke, occupier | Link | |
01/03/1879 | Gortroe | Ellen Burke | F | Spinster | 58 years | Beggar | Sufffocative bronchitis, some time | N | N | Mary Kelly, PAD | Link |
26/03/1879 | Gortroe | Patrick Fahy | M | Married | 49 years | Peasant | Acute bronchitis, one week | Y | Gilbert Scully, PAD, Currandulla | Link | |
07/05/1880 | Gortroe | Thomas Staunton | M | Bachelor | 19 years | Peasant | Phthisis, 9 months | Y | John Staunton, occupier | Link | |
06/01/1882 | Gortroe | Anne Fahy | F | Married | 84 years | None | Cough & weakness, 3 days | N | N | Bridget Fahy, PAD | Link |
06/02/1882 | Gortroe | Mary Larner | F | Widow | 82 years | Peasant | Old age & debility, 4 days | N | N | Thomas Larner, son, occupier | Link |
20/10/1882 | Gortroe | Bridget Neale | F | Spinster | 24 years | Peasant | Hypertrophy of the heart, 9 months | Y | Thomas Mulryan, step-father and occupier | Link | |
27/10/1882 | Grange | John Dooley | M | Married | 91 years | Tailor | Weakness from old age, 2 weeks | N | N | Kate Dooley, daughter, PAD | Link |
15/02/1883 | Gortroe | Mary Mullavelle | F | Widow | 73 years | None | Weakness and cough, 2 months | N | N | Anne Staunton, PAD, Mullaghadrum | Link |
07/03/1884 | Gortroe | John Staunton | M | Married | 66 years | Labourer | Disease of the liver and ascites, fifteen months | Patrick Staunton, brother, PAD, X Roads, Drumbaune | Link | ||
27/10/1885 | Gortroe | Patrick Fahy | M | Widower | 82 years | Labourer | Weakness of the heart, one year | N | N | Mary Fahy, daughter, PAD | Link |
26/08/1886 | Gortroe | Bridget Fahy | F | Widow | 72 years | Peasant | Gravel, one month | N | N | William Cunningham, occupier | Link |
14/02/1887 | Gortroe | Mary Connor | F | Spinster | 70 years | Beggar | Weakness and exhaustion, one week | Y | Honor Murphy, PAD | Link | |
18/02/1889 | Gortroe | Bridget Kennedy | F | Spinster | 14 years | None | Disease of the brain with suppuration of the brain, 2 months | Y | John Kennedy, father and occupier | Link | |
23/03/1891 | Gortroe | John Walsh | M | Bachelor | 18 years | Labourer | Consumption, 3 months | N | N | Ellen Walsh, mother, PAD | Link |
29/05/1891 | Gortroe | William Murphy | M | Married | 100 years | Labourer | Cardiac failure from great debility, 2 months | Y | Mary Murphy, widow of deceased, occupier | Link | |
13/01/1892 | Gortroe | Catherine Kelly | F | Widow | 80 years | Peasant | General rheumatism, 3 months | N | N | Margaret Kelly, daughter-in-law, PAD | Link |
24/07/1892 | Gortroe | Peter Lardner | M | Bachelor | 15 years | Peasant | Chronic pneumonia after influenza, 6 months | N | N | Honor Lardner, sister, PAD | Link |
26/02/1893 | Gortroe | William Hynes | M | Bachelor | 26 years | Labourer | Phthisis pulmonalis, 1 year | N | N | Winifred Lawless, sister, PAD | Link |
10/07/1894 | Gortroe | John Kennedy | M | Bachelor | 24 years | Son of farmer | Phthisis and asthenia, 8 months | Y | John Kennedy, father, PAD | Link | |
06/08/1894 | Gortroe | Patrick Noon | M | Bachelor | 13 months | Son of horse dealer | Convulsions, 12 hours | N | N | Thomas Noon, father, PAD, Westport, Co. Mayo | Link |
16/09/1896 | Gortroe | Michael Fahy | M | Married | 79 years | Householder | Complaining of weakness of heart, 4 days | N | N | Pat Fahy, son, PAD | Link |
01/01/1897 | Gortroe | Patrick Mulroyan | M | Married | 62 years | Householder | Chronic Bright’s disease, 12 months | Y | Martin Mulroyan, son, PAD | Link | |
18/04/1897 | Gortroe | William Lawless | M | Married | 54 years | Landholder | Acute bronchitis, 12 days | Y | Winifred Lawless, daughter, PAD | Link | |
07/11/1897 | Gorthroe | Ellen Walsh | F | Married | 40 years | Wife of landholder | Bright’s disease, 2 years | Y | Mary Walsh, daughter, PAD | Link | |
17/08/1901 | Gortroe | John Walsh | M | Widower | 69 years | Labourer | Debility, 12 months | N | N | Mary Walsh, daughter, PAD | Link |
1901 Census
There were 17 households in Gortroe in 1901.
- Honor Cunningham (64) was the sole resident.
- William Hession (62) lived with his wife Honoria (56).
- Rev. John O’Dea (36) lived with a servant Mary Graham (54).
- Patrick Fahy (30) lived with his sister Kate (22).
- Mary Mulroyan (70) lived with her son Martin (29), daughter Ellen (22) and granddaughter Bridget Kelly (8).
- Bridget Fahey (62) lived with her son Darby (26).
- Patrick Lavelle (60) lived with his wife Honor (60), daughter Maggie (17), sister Ellen (52) and boarder Honor Hughes (60).
- Mary Stanton (70) lived with her sons Patrick (28) and Walter (26).
- John Kennedy (66) lived with his wife Bridget (64) and his daughter Julia (24).
- John Walsh (?) lived with sons Patrick (23) and Martin (16), daughters Mary (18) and Bridget (14).
- Catherine Lawless (65) lived with her daughter Winifred (23) and son Michael (21).
- Honor Murphy (66) was the sole resident.
- Honor Burke (65) lived with her son John (32) and daughters Honor (30) and Mary (26).
- Thomas Lardiner (54) lived with his wife Winifred (52), daughters Bridget (24) and Nora (20), sons Patrick (23) and Thomas (19).
- Michael Kelly (60) lived with his wife Margaret (63), son Martin (28), daughter-in-law Bridget (22) and grand daughter Kate (6 months).
- Daniel Healy (40) lived with his wife Anne (40), sons John (6) and James (4) and daughter Mary (2).
- Thomas Cahill (60) lived with his wife Bridget (38), sons Patrick (16), John (13) and Thomas (9), daughters Mary (11), Bridget (7) and Norah (4) and sister-in-law Margaret Collings (29).
Two other houses are vacant.
Twelve houses were of the second class and five were of the third class. All 17 houses were built of stone, all thatched roofs. One had one room only; all others had between two and four rooms each. One house had one window at the front of the house, four had two windows, eleven had three windows and one had four windows.
9 had a stable, 7 had a cow house. Rev. John O’Dea had a shed and calf house, 13 had a piggery, 9 had a fowl house, 8 had a barn and 8 had a cart house.
Residents in Houses 1, 3 and possibly others do not appear in 1911 census.
1911 Census
- Bridget Cahill (50) lived with her three sons, Patrick (25), Thomas (18) and John (23) and three daughters Mary (20), Bridget (17) and Norie (14).
- John Burke (60) lived with his two sisters Honor (62) and Mary (55).
- Michael Kelly (71) lived with his son Martin (40), daughter-in-law Bridget (38), granddaughters Kate (10) and Delia (8) and grandson Michael (3).
- Darby Fahy (35) lived with his sister Kate Dellaney (33).
- Martin Moran (45) was the sole resident.
- William Hession (72) lived with his wife Hanoria (68).
- Mary Stanton (77) lived with her son Walter (39).
- Honor Murphy (80) was the sole resident.
- Bridget Kennedy (77) lived with her son-in-law Hubert Melia (41), daughter Julia (39) and grandsons Michael (7) and John (5).
- Edward Burke (38) lived with his wife Celia (38) and sons Patrick (5), Luke (3) and John (8 months).
- Patrick Fahey (40) was the sole resident.
- Margaret Carroll (56) lived with a visitor Mary Cahil (44).
- Patrick Walsh Kelly (30) lived with his brother Martin (25) and sister Bridget (22).
- Winnie Lardner (69) lived with her sons Patrick (36) and Thomas (31) and daughter Norah (32).
- Honor Lavelle (73) lived with her sister Ellen (71), daughter Maggie (33) and a lodger Honor Hughes (75).
- Thomas Burke (40) lived with his wife Winnifred (38), brother Michael Lauless (30) and sons Thomas (7) and Michael (1).
- Danniel Healy (54) lived with his wife Ann (52), sons John (16), James (14) and Malachy (9) and daughter Mary (11).
There were eleven second class houses and six third class houses. All the walls were of stone. One was slated and 16 were thatched. Three had four windows at the front, eight had three windows, five had two windows and one had one window.
New residents not listed in 1901 census include Houses No. 10, 11, and 12.
Outhouses eleven stables, thirteen cow houses, thirteen piggeries, four fowl houses, ten barns,two turf houses, five cart houses, one potato house (Edward Burke), one calf house (Winnie Lardner), one dairy (Bridget Cahill).