Cloonboo / Cluain Bú
Compiled by Evelyn Stevens
Irish name: Cluain Bú
Irish pronunciation:
English name: Cloonboo
Meaning: pasture of the hyacinths
Cluain-bugha, meadow of the bugh or hyacinth plant, a sort of nagger with beautiful flowers of a blue or bluish-green colour, well known in Clare and Galway. Often mentioned in Irish writings : ” eyes the colour of the búgh-flower.” – from Joyce’s Field Names.
Area: 425 acres, 0 roods and 15 perches.
Information from O’Donovan’s Field Name Books
Other names: Cluain búgh, Clonboo, Clunboo
Description: Thomas Blake, Esq., Cregg Castle, Proprietor. All under tillage except portions of flooded ground to the South and East, a lake to the North end which divides Cloonboo and Mace townlands
Situation: It is situated 3 miles S. W. of Annaghdown Church. Bounded North by Mace. South by Adragool. East by Castlequarter and W. by Lissanoran.
Field Names
An Garraí Fada, Garraí na gCloch, Garraí na Feochana, Garraí Downey, Garraí Chicely, Túirín Lachach, Garraí Déideán, An Léine, Na Cregga, Gort Donn, Móin a’tSíáin.
Other Landmarks: Tobar a’ Bhaile, Tobar Downey.
Archaeological Information
Lake Dwelling (possible). In the middle of Lough Afoor. Marked on 3rd ed. Of OS map (1934) as a small circular island (D c.20m). The site is not presently visible due to a rise in the water level.
Lake Dwelling (possible). A second possible lake dwelling marked on 3rd ed of OS map (1934) (D c.25M) lies 100m to SW. The site is not presently visible due to a rise in the water level.
Population Statistics
1841: 35 houses, 231 people (127 male, 104 female)
1851: 24 (3 uninhabited) houses, 143 people (71 male, 72 female)
1861: 23 houses, 124 people (59 male, 65 female)
1871: 23 houses, 124 people, (60 male, 64 female)
1881: 25 houses, 133 people (71 male, 62 female)
1891: 19 houses (1 uninhabited), 110 people ( 57 male, 53 female)
1901: 19 houses, 99 people (53 male, 46 female)
1911: 19 houses (1 uninhabited), 91 people (47 male, 44 female)
2011: 102 houses (9 vacant), 265 people (137 male, 128 female)
1821 Tithe Applotment Books
The Tithe Applotment books for Cloonboo show the following names: Ths Blake, landlord, Mich and John Scully, Ths Hanneen, John and Michl Carr, Francis Allen, Ths Hennelly, Willm and Widow Scully, John Downey, Michl Downey and Widow Walsh, Ths Burke, Pat Maher, Michl Hanneen, John Walsh.
1840 Griffith’s House Books & 1855 Griffith’s Valuation
Griffith’s Valuation shows that Cloonboo had 20 households with 6 others holding land, all under the immediate lessor, Francis Blake. Listed were: Michael Scully, John Hannan, John Scully, James Carr, Bridget Hanley, James Feenaghty, Martin Downey, Thomas Walsh, Thomas Burke, Patrick Moylan, Henry Allen, John Hannan, Jeremiah Hannan, Thomas Downey, Margaret Burke, Marg. Burke (Hessian), Martin Kavanagh, Cicilia Higgins, James Collins, Thomas Ward. Land only- Michael Leonard, John Leonard, William Leonard, Martin Hennelly, Margaret Neill and Margaret Burke.
Cecilia Higgins is listed as Cecilia Hannan in the House Books.

1871-1901 Deaths
Date | Townland | Name | Sex | Condition | Age | Occupation | Cause | Medical Attendant | Certified | Registered by | Link |
20/01/1871 | Clonboo | Mary Scully | F | Spinster | 1 1/2 years | Peasant’s child | Convulsions epileptic, 6 months | N | N | John Scully, occuper | Link |
24/06/1871 | Clonboo | Bridget Hennelly | F | Spinster | 9 days | Peasant’s child | Convulsions, nine days | N | N | Ellen Hennelly, mother, PAD | Link |
28/07/1871 | Clonboo | Michael Hannon | M | Married | 79 years | Weaver | Old age & debility, a long time | N | N | John Mulloy, PAD | Link |
16/02/1872 | Clonboo | John Scully | M | Widower | 90 years | Small farmer | Old age and exhaustion, a long time | N | N | Kate Scully, PAD | Link |
21/03/1872 | Clonboo | Patrick Hennelly | M | Bachelor | 2 1/2 years | Child of a peasant | Effusion on the bran, one day | Y | Michael Hennelly, PAD | Link | |
16/04/1872 | Clonboo | Mary Mannion | F | Widow | 55 years | Pauper | Kidney disease, a long time | Y | Bartley Collins, occupier | Link | |
03/06/1872 | Clonboo | Ellen Allen | F | Spinster | 15 months | Labourer’s child | Scarlatina, two days | N | N | Mary Moylan, PAD | Link |
03/07/1872 | Clonboo | Kate Scully | F | Married | 40 years | Labourer | Dropsy and liver disease, six months | Y | Honor Scully, PAD | Link | |
11/10/1872 | Clonboo | Mary Burke | F | Married | 35 years | Peasant | Peritonitis from rupture of gastric ulcer | N | N | Michael Burke, occupier | Link |
23/02/1873 | Clonboo | Thomas Scully | M | Bachelor | 7 months | Peasant’s child | Convulsions, a few hours | N | N | John Scully, occupier | Link |
21/06/1873 | Clonboo | Ellen Finerty | F | Married | 74 years | Peasant | Kidney disease, long time | Y | James Finerty, occupier | Link | |
22/12/1874 | Clonboo | Bridget Scully | F | Spinster | 8 months | Child of a labourer | Whooping cough, 3 weeks | N | N | Kate Scully, PAD | Link |
25/03/1875 | Clonboo | Thomas Burke | M | Bachelor | 2 days | Labourer’s child | Weakness since birth | N | N | Kate Burke, PAD | Link |
16/02/1876 | Clonboo | Ellen Walsh | F | Married | 60 years | Peasant | Disease of the kidneys, 6 months | Y | Thomas Walsh, occupier | Link | |
08/07/1877 | Clonboo | Thomas Walsh | M | Widower | 79 years | Peasant | Old age & bronchitis, a long time | N | N | Thomas Lenihan, occupier | Link |
29/09/1877 | Clonboo | Thomas Collins | M | Bachelor | 80 years | Beggar | Weakness from old age, a long time | Y | Denis Collins, occupier | Link | |
17/03/1878 | Clonboo | John Hannon | M | Bachelor | 74 years | Pauper | Great exhaustion & debility, 4 days | N | N | Kate Burke, PAD | Link |
29/06/1878 | Clonboo | John Hennelly | M | Married | 50 years | Peasant | Liver disease, 2 years | N | N | Ellen Hennelly, occupier | Link |
25/09/1878 | Clonboo | Patrick Burke | M | Married | 80 years | Peasant | Weakness of Heart, 2 days | N | N | Julia Burke, PAD, Clonboo | Link |
02/02/1879 | Clonboo | Sabina Hannon | F | Widow | 70 years | Peasant | Bronchitis, long time | N | N | James Hannon, occupier | Link |
06/04/1879 | Clonboo | Thomas Warde | M | Widower | 87 years | Peasant | Suffocative catarrh, one week | N | N | Honor Warde, PAD | Link |
16/04/1879 | Clonboo | Winifred Kinglish | F | Widow | 80 years | Peasant | Old age & debility, 3 weeks | N | N | Bridget Carr, PAD | Link |
08/07/1879 | Clonboo | Mary Scully | F | Widow | 70 years | Peasant | Bronchitis, 3 weeks | N | N | Patrick Scully, occupier | Link |
01/08/1879 | Clonboo | John Hannon | M | Widower | 81 years | Peasant | Weakness & exhaustion, 5 weeks | N | N | Michael Hannon, occupier | Link |
12/05/1880 | Clonboo | Frank Allen | M | Bachelor | 19 years | Peasant | Fever, 3 weeks | N | N | Patt Moran, occupier | Link |
16/09/1881 | Clonboo | Michael Downey | M | Married | 54 years | Peasant | Renal dropsy, 6 months | Y | Thomas Lenihan, PAD | Link | |
16/01/1882 | Clonboo | Bridget Allen | F | Married | 60 years | Peasant | Cough & heart disease, 3 months | N | N | John Allen, husband, occupier | Link |
17/01/1882 | Clonboo | Bridget Allen | F | Married | 60 years | Peasant | Suffocative catarrh, 3 weeks | N | N | John Allen, PAD | Link |
25/01/1882 | Clonboo | Patrick Lenihan | M | Bachelor | 5 months | Peasant’s child | Smothering of chest, few days | N | N | Thomas Lenihan, PAD | Link |
05/04/1882 | Clonboo | Michael Hanon | M | Bachelor | 58 years | Landholder | Fractures accidentally received | Y | Information received from James McDonagh Coroner for the County of Galway, Inquest held 6th April 1882 | Link | |
07/03/1883 | Clonboo | Denis Collins | M | Bachelor | 60 years | Labourer and gardener | General marasmus and exhaustion, 6 months | Y | Peter Collins, brother, PAD | Link | |
10/04/1884 | Clonboo | Celia Hannen | F | Spinster | 60 years | Peasant | Pain in the stomach, one day | N | N | Michael Hannen, nephew, PAD | Link |
26/08/1884 | Clonboo | John Brown | M | Bachelor | 27 years | Peasant | Liver disease and dropsy, 18 months | Y | Anne Brown, mother, PAD | Link | |
03/12/1884 | Clonboo | Sabina Hannen | F | Widow | 70 years | Peasant | Cough and dyspnea, 4 days | N | N | John Hannen, son, PAD | Link |
17/04/1886 | Clonboo | Honor Allen | F | Married | 28 years | Peasant | Inflammation after childbirth, one week | N | N | Frank Allen, husband and occupier | Link |
24/01/1887 | Clonboo | Peter Collins | M | Bachelor | 75 years | Pauper | Pain and swelling on the stomach, 2 weeks | N | N | John Downey, PAD | Link |
04/04/1887 | Clonboo | William Scully | M | Bachelor | 30 years | Labourer | Severe cold, 3 months | N | N | Patrick Scully, PAD, Currandull | Link |
10/6/1887 | Clonboo | Thomas Burke | M | Widower | 81 years | Peasant | Weakness and debility, five weeks | N | N | Mary Burke, granddaughter, PAD | Link |
05/09/1887 | Clonboo | Winifred Connolly | F | Married | 27 years | Labourer | Endocarditis, 2 years | Y | Honor Carr, sister, PAD | Link | |
23/09/1887 | Clonboo | Mary Warde | F | Widow | 75 years | Poor woman | Bronchitis, 12 months | N | N | Mary Warde, daughter, PAD | Link |
17/09/1888 | Clonboo | Michael Burke | M | Bachelor | 2 days | Labourer’s child | Weakness since birth | N | N | Thomas Burke, brother, PAD | Link |
23/03/1889 | Clonboo | Michael Scully | M | Bachelor | 24 years | Labourer | Phthisis pulmonum, 4 months | Y | Patrick Scully, uncle, PAD, Castlecreevin | Link | |
06/04/1889 | Clonboo | Michael Hennelly | M | Bachelor | 18 years | Labourer | Consumption, 3 months | N | N | Patrick Scully, PAD, Currandulla | Link |
17/02/1890 | Clonboo | Patrick Moran | M | Married | 50 years | Peasant | Convulsions in relapse after influenza, one week | Y | Bridget Allen, PAD | Link | |
04/10/1890 | Clonboo | Honor Scully | M | Spinster | 23 years | Peasant | Phthisis pulmonum, 8 months | Y | Patrick Scully, uncle, PAD, Currandulla | Link | |
21/09/1890 | Clonboo | James Finerty | M | Married | 80 years | Labourer | Vomiting and weakness, 9 weeks | N | N | Frank Allen, occupier | Link |
22/11/1890 | Clonboo | Margaret Warde | F | Widow | 74 years | Poor woman | Pain about the heart and smothering, four days | N | N | John Scully, occupier | Link |
16/02/1891 | Clonboo | Michael Burke | M | Bachelor | 11 days | Peasant’s child | Convulsions, few hours | N | N | Thomas Burke, brother, PAD | Link |
19/03/1891 | Clonboo | James Carr | M | Married | 83 years | Peasant | Rheumatism, 5 years, pain in his heart and weakness | N | N | John Carr, son and occupier | Link |
18/03/1891 | Clonboo | Michael Molloy | M | Bachelor | 20 years | Labourer | Phthisis pulmonum, 4 months | Y | John Molloy, father and occupier | Link | |
04/09/1892 | Clonboo | John Allen | M | Widower | 68 years | Peasant | Navel pain, 24 hours | N | N | Bridget Donohue, PAD, Castlecreevin | Link |
24/02/1893 | Clonboo | Bridget Burke | F | Spinster | 12.5 years | Labourer’s child | Consumption and caries of ankle joint, 9 months | N | N | Mary Burke, sister, PAD | Link |
05/03/1893 | Clonboo | Mary Hynes | F | Spinster | 5 weeks | Child of a peasant | Smothering of the chest, 1 day | N | N | John Moloy, PAD | Link |
15/06/1893 | Clonboo | Celia Shaughnessy | F | Widow | 77 years | Poor old servant | Chronic cough and weakness, long time | N | N | Mary Hynes, PAD | Link |
28/11/1893 | Clonboo | Honor Warde | F | Spinster | 70 years | Labourer | Severe pain in the neck and sore throat, 6 weeks | N | N | John Scully, occupier | Link |
13/05/1894 | Clonboo | Honor Henely | F | Married | 50 years | Wife of a farmer | Bronchitis, 3 months | N | N | John Henely, son, PAD | Link |
27/07/1894 | Clonboo | Bridget Allen | F | Spinster | 8 years | Daughter of labourer | Coma and symptoms of brain trouble | N | N | Francis Allen, father, PAD | Link |
30/09/1894 | Clonboo | Bridget Hynes | F | Spinster | 5 years | Daughter of labourer | Vomiting, 3 weeks | N | N | Mary Hynes, mother, PAD | Link |
22/02/1895 | Clonboo | Kate Burke | F | Spinster | 32 years | Daughter of farmer | Phthisis, 6 months | N | N | Ellen Burke, niece, PAD | Link |
09/03/1896 | Clonboo | Alice Burke | F | Spinster | 13 years | Daughter of landholder | Consumption, 12 months | N | N | John Burke, father, PAD | Link |
12/07/1897 | Clonboo | Michael Hynes | M | Bachelor | 12 months | Son of landholder | Complaining of measles, 7 days | N | N | Denis Hynes, father | Link |
01/06/1898 | Clonboo | Winnie Henely | F | Spinster | 70 years | Sister of landholder | Chronic bronchitis, 12 months | N | N | Pat Henely, nephew, PAD | Link |
17/06/1899 | Clonboo | John Downey | M | Bachelor | 40 years | Landholder | Phthisis, 2 years | N | N | Honor Downey, sister, PAD | Link |
17/01/1900 | Clonboo | Michael Scully | M | Married | 35 years | Farmer | Cough, 3 days | N | N | Owen Scully, father, PAD | Link |
23/02/1901 | Clonboo | Honor Scully | F | Married | 73 years | Wife of farmer | Bronchitis, 1 week | N | N | Winifred Scully, daughter, PAD | Link |
1901 Census
The 1901 Census of Ireland records the following individuals living in 19 households in Cloonboo.
- Hennelly, Ellen (72) lived with Martin (44), Thomas (36), Michael (34), John (30), and Kate Leonard (64), sister.
- Molloy, John, lived with Bridget (56), Bridget (27) Patrick (22) Thomas (20), Celia (15), and William (12)
- Scully, Owen (76) lived with Winnie (29), daughter, Michael (7), William (5), Owen (2), grandsons, and Edward Queeney (60), lodger.
- Scully, John (68) lived with Kate (64), Patrick (32), Thomas (22), John (19), Michael (17), Martin (13), Mary Murphy (11) grand-daughter, and Owen Casey (65) lodger
- Carr, John (45) lived with Kate (42), Celia (12), Martin (10), James (8), Michael (5), and Julia (2).
- Fahy, Martin (72), lived with Julia (55), and Elnor Ruane (40) servant.
- Hynes, Denis (48) lived with Mary (44), John (19) Bartle (16), Patrick (14), Julia (12), and Maggie (6).
- Hannon, James (64) lived with Celia (45), Thomas (20), Mary (19), Michael (17), and James (13).
- Burke, John (63) lived with Bridget (63), Kate (30), and Darby (22).
- Hannon, John (75) lived with Mary (52), and Michael (17) nephew.
- Hannon, Michael (52) lived with Honor (48), Mary (16), John (14), Ellen (13), Patrick (12), Dermot (10), Norah (8), and Owen (7).
- Moran, Bridget (68) lived with Patrick (27), Margaret (23), Honor (28), daughter-in-law, and Mary (2), granddaughter.
- Burke, Mary (80) lived with Patrick (55), Honor (50), Thomas (24), grandson, Ellen (18), granddaughter, and Patrick (16) grandson.
- Lenihan, Thomas (64), Kate (58), Bridget (23), Thomas (21) and Bridget Walsh (63), sister- in- law.
- Downey, Honor (84) lived with Honor Gill (35) and Walter Gill (38) son-in-law.
- Hennelly, Patrick (60) lived with John (23), Celia (20), and Honor (17).
- Allen, Frank (40) lived with Julia (45) and Kate (16).
- Allen, Patrick (32) lived with Margaret (32), Kate (32), Mary (3), and Nellie ( 6 months).
- Allen, Julia (68).
One house was of the fourth class, six were of the third class, and ten were of the second class. All had stone walls, and all but two had thatched roofs. There was one public house – Martin Fahy’s.
1911 Census
There were 19 houses in Cloonboo in 1911, one of which was vacant.
- Scully, Winefred (36) lived with Michael (17) and William (15).
- Ní Mhaoildhia, Sean (67) lived with Bríghid (69), Bríghid (30), Pádhraic (28), Tomás (27), Síghle (23), and Liam (20).
- Scully, Kate (69) lived with Patrick (50), Maggie (48), daughter-in-law, John (7), grandson, Thomas (5), grandson, and Mary (4) granddaughter.
- Ailín, Padhraic (46) lived with Maighréad (45), Caitlín (16), Máire (13), Neillí (10), Seaghán (7), and Maighréad (4).
- Hennelly, Patrick (75) lived with John (34).
- was vacant, and was on the holding of Patrick Hennelly.
- Allen, Francis (50) lived with Julia (60), Catherine Carr (27), daughter, Mary Carr (3), granddaughter, and Julia Allen (85) aunt.
- Gill, Walter (48) lived with Honor (46).
- Lenihan, Thomas (76) lived with Catherine (72), Thomas (32), Bridget (38), daughter–in- law, Mary (3), granddaughter, and John Joseph (2) grandson.
- Burke, Patrick, (68) lived with Pat (26), and Honor (66), sister.
- Moran, Patrick (40) lived with Norah (44), Mary (12), Patrick (9), Martin (7), and Francis (5).
- Hannon, Michael (63) lived with Honor (61), John (25), Dermot (21), Owen (17), Ellen (23), and Norah (19).
- Carr, John (60) lived wirh Catherine (50), Martin (20), James (18), Michael (16), Julia (11), and Patrick (6).
- Hannon, Mary (70) lived with Michael (27), nephew.
- Burke, John (74) lived with Bridget (74), Dermot (32), Ellen (28), daughter-in-law Mary (5), granddaughter, Peter (3), grandson, and Michael (1) grandson.
- Ó Áinín, Seumas (70) lived with Susaile (65), Tomás (28), and Máire (26).
- Regan, Bridget (30) lived with Mary Margt (5), Bridget (3), Gerty (2), Tom Fahy (88), uncle, and Bridget Crowe (16), domestic servant.
- Hynes, Denis (60) lived with Mary (61), John (29), Julia (23), Maggie (18), and John Murray (39), servant.
- Hennelly, Ellen, (78) lived with Martin (55), Thomas (50), John (38), and Catherine Leonard (74), sister.
Five houses were of the third class, 12 were of the second class, all with stone walls, and all but 1 had thatched roofs. There was 1 public house, Bridget Regan’s.
I am really interested in this information as I am trying to trace my Great Grandfathers roots. He was born in Drumgriffin but it was said he lived in Cloonboo. He was Thomas Hannan/Hannon and was born c. 1850, and emigrated to Invercargill, New Zealand around 1871. His death certificate lists his father’s name as Thomas and his mother’s as Cecilia. He had a brother Michael Hannan and sister Mary (married her cousin Thomas Staunton in N.Z.) who both also emigrated to Invercargill, New Zealand. Another brother was said to have emigrated to America. Any information would be appreciated.
Hello, Karen,
I’m interested in the Hannan/Hannon family as well – and Cloonboo, in general. I have a large number of DNA matches with Hannan descendants in New Zealand – I will get back to that in a minute. My ggg-grandmother, Mary Allen/Allan was born in Annaghdown in roughly 1825. She married a man from Mayo and they resettled in New Brunswick, Canada. (How she met a man from Mayo is a mystery….) Mary’s father was William Allen and by looking at various records and DNA matches it has become clear that he was originally from Cloonboo before settling in Aucloggeen townland around 1850. I do not know for certain what Mary Allen’s mother’s name was. I have one hint. In the Griffith’s Valuation records for Aucloggeen, there are two listings for William Allen but one of them is listed “William Allen (Betty).” I’m not sure there is any way to know what that may mean for sure, but I believe one of these Williams is the father and the other is my ggg-gm Mary’s brother William. I know that this brother’s wife was Bridget – so that leaves me with a guess that Mary’s mother was named “Betty” – Elizabeth. Every sibling of Mary’s that had children had a daughter named Elizabeth. The reason that this matters in my conversation with you is that I believe Elizabeth “Betty” Allen was a Hannan.
Because the Hannans and Allens were neighbors in Cloonboo, the DNA matches that I have with your cousins in NZ could possibly come from my Allens and that there was other intermarriage prior to my William Allen. However, I also have DNA matches with a number of people that all descend from a Katherine Hannan, likely born in the 1830’s who married a Thomas Flaherty and settled in Grange. So, at that point I have cousins descended from Hannans who emigrated to New Zealand and one who stayed in Annaghdown. Another interesting point is that my ggg-gm Mary Allen’s eldest sister Margaret married a Michael Hanley, they settled in Slievefin. Their daughter Margaret married a John O’Connor and they moved their family to New Zealand in about 1865. I know that a number of Annaghdown people emigrated to NZ, so this may be pure, unrelated coincidence – but might be a thing for us to look for.
So, in an attempt to understand all of this further, I began looking at all of these New Zealand DNA matches to see how they connect back to Annaghdown. Most of my NZ Hannan cousins descend from your Thomas Hannan (1845-1908). However, I have at least one NZ DNA match who descends from a different Hannan. This woman descends from a Bridget Silke (b 1843 in Annaghdown) who was the daughter of an Honor Hannan and Thomas Silke. Now that I know that your Thomas had two siblings, Michael and Mary, who emigrated to NZ I will see if I have any DNA matches to their descendants. I knew of Michael and Mary, but I did not know what happened to them. In the course of all of the research that I was doing, I learned that your Thomas Hannan was the son of Thomas Hannan and Cecilia (Sesily) Hargadan. They had, at least, six children born/baptized between 1835 and 1845 and I have found the baptisms for all of them including you Thomas. Thomas was baptized in March of 1845 in Annaghdown. His sponsors were Martin Downey and Mary Glynn. I did also identify that there was a Martin Downey in Cloonboo in Griffiths Valuation.
I am not completely sure how these posts/replies work but if you get a notice about this, I would very much like to compare notes with you.
Patrick Murphy
Chicago, IL, USA